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For my first post, a picture I made this saturday afternoon of one HMX-1 VH-60 flying over Brussels. I think it landed after its short flight at Nato Headquarter, in Evere.
I guess it came in aboard the C-17 which was seen landing at Zaventem (see pictures posted).
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Sorry, but I don't. Unfortunately, it is not possible at all to identify it. It was so unexpected to see it in front of my appartment's windows that I just had enough time to catch a camera which is usually used "for family".
This chopper was definitely too far fot such a small "Canon".
None of the 3 pictures I made allows me to read any id number.
I don't know if it is gone yet. I guess so as Obama isn't supposed to come back around here.
I dont know if the Whitehawk is already picked up by AMC in Brussel if not than it will be soon.
As you say Obama is not going back to Brussel so no reason to keep the Whitehawk there.
Anyway thanks for your help much appreciated
And by the way...
Does anybody know why this (our those) VH-60s came to Brussels at the end ??
It doesn't look like Obama or his staff used any of them here as he didn't leave Brussels while in Begium, and nobody noticed them in flight since last weekend.
They maybe left for Normandy to pick him up there ??
I'd say contingency. Even if no flights are planned, in emergency situaties a helicopter may be the best way to quickly leave a location.
Unlikely that the Hawks were flown to Normandy. Even in March when two helicopters were in Rotterdam for the Dutch part of the visit, two more were in Brussels. Rotterdam - Brussels is a lot closer than Brussels - Normandy, so my guess would be that two more helicopters are present in Normandy at the same time.