Does KLM Cargo have their own flight numbers? For instance KL8201 which is / was a KLM Cargo flight number from Amsterdam to Stavanger. Can someone confirm it is still in use? And if it is a road service or a direct flight.
Does KLM Cargo have their own flight numbers? For instance KL8201 which is / was a KLM Cargo flight number from Amsterdam to Stavanger. Can someone confirm it is still in use? And if it is a road service or a direct flight.
Thanks, Thijs
They are using flight numbers for truck services,indeed.
For KLM it is the 8000 series for RFS road feeder services, like the 4000 series is for Martinair Cargo.
All Cargo operators will have them for their feeder network.
( Flying freighters is so expensive, truck services are always cheaper even for distances like OPO-AMS or WAW-AMS).
The trucks are a scheduled service, with a departure time and an arriving time, and in bookingsystems they are dealt the same way as flights.
FFM Freight Forwarding Message is needed for local customs and needed for bookingsystems to make a connecting flight.