spend a couple of hours at the fence today, not bad, quite some traffic! Quick and dirty log from the memory cards:
Ramstein 1300-1745 runway 26 in use.
10196 C17 Charleston
80266 C17 Charleston
88195 C17 McChord
11237 C130H Kentucky
40206 C130H Delaware
55145 C17 March
77169 C17 Dover
91431 C130J Rhode Island
21464 C130J California
99210 C17 McChord
01797 C130H Missouri
01791 C130H Missouri
11236 C130H Kentucky
33127 C17 McChord
60028 KC10 McGuire
60005 C17 Steward
60023 C5 Westover (returned to ramp after having some tech issues at the holding)
N186PA Gulfstream III
00218 C17 McChord
90168/AK C17 Elmendorf
43143 C130J Arkansas
74635 C130J Arkansas
21098 C17 McGuire
53145 C130J Arkansas
23293 C17 Charleston
77187 C17 Charleston
parked (excl. local C130s and far from complete):
85712 C130J Dyess
85693 C130J Dyess
73170 C130J Dyess
073 C27J Bulg. AF
85691 C130J Dyess
01057 C130H Delaware