I see on the Space A page 2 flights from McGuire to Geilenkirchen, arriving Monday morning. Are these the next 2 tdy 135s? Strange they depart from McGuire.
Based on roll call, I would guess eta around 08.00-09.00
Mode S / SBS and radio logs, airfield specific, are allowed, but always state your source, mode S / SBS or air traffic conversations. These logs can be placed in the "day topic" so a separate Mode S / SBS radio log is not necessary |
Why strange? 108th ARW is based at McGuire. accoarding they are scheduled for TDY at GeilenkirchenOscar01 wrote:Morning,
I see on the Space A page 2 flights from McGuire to Geilenkirchen, arriving Monday morning. Are these the next 2 tdy 135s? Strange they depart from McGuire.
Based on roll call, I would guess eta around 08.00-09.00
Landed 10:30 local.Oscar01 wrote:63-8040 shortly (hour or so ) behind as Rocco82
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