Spotted at Flightradar24 at 09.55LT:
Rebel1 near Woensdrecht: PC-7 (L-04)
Skyhawk1 (C-FGZD) and Skyhawk2 (C-FGZI) both A-4N between Wittmund and Cuxhaven
and now 10.53 LT can be seen:
Skyhawk2 (C-FGZI) A-4N between Wittmund and Cuxhaven
Skyhawk3 (C-FGZH) A-4N east of Bremen
and now visible 12.44LT:
EIS25 (D-FJMT) PC-9B near Wilhelmshafen
EIS30 (D-FAMT) PC-9B near Kiel
now active between Lingen-Cloppenburg 14.36LT (not at Nordhorn-Range )
Skyhawk1 (C-FGZI) and Skyhawk2 (C-FGZH) both A-4N