Apparently this particular airframe (N53178 Serial Number 1859 ) is well documented on page 14 thru 18 ... c-1998.pdf
The Restoration of PT-22, SIN 1859
S/N 1859 was purchased from Kent McMakin of Rockton, IL on September 18, 1992 . I didn't start the restoration until March of 1994. It was a mostly complete airframe , but did not include an engine , propeller , and it was missing seats, some cowling pieces, instruments, miscellaneous fairings and many small components . While it was on its landing gear , most of the components had been stripped from it. Most control surfaces were damaged to some extent, requiring repairs . One wing had suffered extensive damage , having a cracked main spar and many damaged ribs . The other wing had been rebuilt , and was reportedly ready for some cover after some assembly. It still needed a thorough inspection. Overall, the aircraft and parts were in pretty poor condition.
From the start of the restoration process , it was decided that the PT-22 would be returned to very original condition.”
Further on the R-55 engine is mentioned.” The Kinner R-540-1 (R-55) engine of 160 hp dominates this view of the PT-22, and is topped off with a newly built Sensenich propeller, which duplicates the Sensenich prop originally installed.”
In order to prevent jumping to conclusions: al lot can go wrong. This aircraft was restored to a very original condition, and it is unlikely (however not impossible) that this has been mutilated in later years.