A week in Japan, which was planned to be mainly at Iwakuni and ending at the Omura open day. The plans changed once the Shin Maywas were grounded.
Iwakuni - Two days, the first pretty much a washout, the second was better - but only had a couple of hours of favourable landings from the north. On the first day I made a detour to snap the B.65 at Iwaki as it was so quiet.
Tsuiki - Fairly quiet day in reasonable weather at least. 304 Hikotai were actually the most active.
Nyutabaru - Two very pleasant days, only problem being the world class heat haze.
Saturday - Spent the day on the slow drive on non-toll roads between Miyazaki and Omura, stopping to snap these W&R T-33s on the way.
Omura Open Day Sunday - Spent the day outside for the favourable light. The only flying display was by a 5-ship of SH-60K, a pair of UH-60J and a solitary flypast by a Metabaru based AH-1. Early afternoon they flew a pair of 3-ships of SH-60K performing flights for the lucky public. The static consisted of each of the JMSDF types (aside from the Ground Shin Maywa), and a UH-60JA from Metabaru.