The EFA badge indeed; it almost looks like a combination of the official emblems of the (German) Heeresflieger and (French) ALAT... And in the beginning they DID have one or two Bo105's there when there weren't many Tigres delivered, if I remember correctly. There's pictures of them somewhere on the net: ... ol-deu.htm
And somewhere further on the official French Defence website: proof they still had 4 in 2013: ... e-de-terre
EFA : 8 Tigre HAP (hélicoptère d’appui protection), dont 3 à 4 HAD (hélicoptère appui-destruction) à terme, 2 Gazelle/ 5 Tigre KHS (Kampfhübschrauber - hélicoptère de combat),
et 4 BO 105, simulateurs : 3 salles CAT (Computer Aided Training), 8 entraîneurs de procédures CPT (Cockpit Procedure Trainer), 8 FMS (Full Mission Simulator).
86+78 was first noted with HFWS in august 2013 and l/n in june this year, so may be it was transferred between units? (could be either way, though..)