09-25-2015 Kinda spotty today due to rain showers,but caught five A-29 from Moody,AC-130W,C-146A,MC-12S and lots of tankers and transport types,few trainers because of the weather but a good mix anyway:
09-26-2015 Very spotty because of some low clouds and rain showers,but ARRIS C-17A off Redstone for Flight tests today went out for a couple of hours and returned,few others,but not much:
REACH 705 C-5M 87-0029 22nd AS/60Th Amw *****
REACH 710 C-5M 87-0034 22Nd As/60Th Amw *****
VALOR 22 T-6A 07-3850 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
VALOR 17 T-6A 98-3540 37Th Fts/14Th Ftw
ARRIS 35 C-17A 10-0218 62Nd Aw Test Bird ******
TEAM 43 KC-10A 83-0082 305Th Amw
ROLLER 99 C-130H 79-0477 192Nd As/152Nd Aw
REACH 532 C-17A 03-3114 183Rd AS/172Nd Aw *****
ROGUE 34 C-130H 74-1663 WR-ALC
SHOOTER 187 T-6B 166187 VT-6/Taw-5
CONVOY 4941 C-40A 165833 VR-59
SENTRY 31 E-3B 79-0002 960Th Aacs/552Nd Acw ****
CAP 185 C-182T N774CP Civil Air Patrol
REACH 485 C-17A 07-7169 3Rd As/436Th Aw *******
09-27-2015 Cloudy today and a few showers,so it was interesting,PARA Jump Exercise today,so several C-130J and C-17A,also several REACH T C-17A,probably POTUS related:
BISON 14 C-130H 74-1671 186Th AS/120Th Aw
HERK 41 C-130H 81-0626 164Th AS/179Th Aw
HERK 51 C-130H 92-3288 96Th As/934Th Aw
JILL 30,31,32 C-130J 08-5693,02-1463,08-5724 39Th As-115Th As-39Th As/317Th Ag-146Th Aw-317Th Ag
TIN CAN 61,63 C-17A 10-0221,09-9208 437Th Aw
SLASH 87 T-6A 05-3778 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
SLASH 27 T-6A 98-3035 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
COBB 52 C-130H 92-0552 700Th As/94Th Aw
REACH 897 C-130H 93-1037 700Th AS/94Th Aw *****
MOON 50 T-1A 95-0050 48Th Fts/14Th Ftw
MOON 60 T-1A 95-0060 48Th Fts/14Th Ftw
SHADOW 20 E-6B 164388 VQ-4/Scw-1 ********
TEAM 43 KC-10A 83-0082 305Th Amw
TUSK 20 C-130H 88-4406 327Th As/913Th Ag
PAT 225 C-26E 91-00513 Osacom Det 24 SC ARNG
RED KNIGHT 137 T-6B 166137 Vt-3/Taw-5
FROZEN 23 C-17A 99-0167 517Th AS/3Rd Wg
TBIRD 14 C-17A 07-7188 437Th Aw
REACH 450T C-17A 09-9208 437Th Aw ******
REACH 460T C-17A 10-0221 437Th Aw ******
REACH 461T C-17A 08-8198 437Th Aw ******
10-04-2015 A few around,still low clouds rainy and misty, Trainers on their way back home after cross country training as they do on the weekends,especially the Navy,a few reach birds today as well:
10-05-2015 Some clouds today after rainy and messy weekend but the sun did shine,so there was quite a few around including MC-130H,MC-130J,AC-130J and others:
PAT 375 C-12V 10-00256 2-228Th Avn Co B Det 1
ARMY 72321 UH-72A 14-72321 US Army
HOUND 93 C-146A 95-3058 524Th Sos/27Th Sow ******
EVAC 23557 KC-135R 62-3557 77Th Ars/916Th Arw
SUNNY 15 MC-12 10-00739 224Th MI BTLN *****
REACH 140 C-130J 07-4638 53Rd As/19Th Aw *****
PAT 687 C-12V 10-00257 6-52Nd Avn Co B Det 1
ARMY 72332 UH-72A 14-72332 US Army
BACKY 94 KC-135R 60-0349 77Th Ars/916Th Arw
ALLEY 92 T-1A 90-0413 48Th Fts/14Th Ftw
MOON 68 T-1A 95-0053 48Th Fts/14Th Ftw
ROGUE 33 MC-130H 88-0194 550Th Sos/58Th Sow *********
REACH 1776 C-130J 07-4637 41St AS/19Th Aw ******
GLEAN 19 C-130J 07-6311 41St As/19Th Aw
GUNDOG 5 T-38C 68-8188 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw
TROLL 21,22 T-1A 95-0059,95-0058 48Th Fts/14Th Ftw
REACH 668 C-21A 84-0125 457Th AS/375Th Amw *****
DEJAY 88 E-4B 73-1677 1St Accs/55Th Wg *******
NAVY LL 857 P-8A 168849 VP-30
DADE 1 T-38C 67-14855 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw
TROLL 11,12 T-1A 94-0143,91-0100 48Th Fts/14Th Ftw
GLEAN 37 C-130J 11-5745 61St As/19Th Aw
REACH 807 KC-135R 63-8007 106Th Ars/117Th Arw ******
RAID 91 MC-130J 08-6204 522ND Sos/27Th Sow **********
MOON 46 T-1A 95-0046 48Th Fts/14Th Ftw
NASA 915 T-38N N915NA NASA
ALLEY 65 T-1A 94-0143 48Th Fts/14Th Ftw
JACKAL 1,2 T-38C 70-1590,70-1576 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw 150.25 A/A
CONVOY 4437 C-40A 166695 VR-56
ALLEY 57 T-1A 90-0409 48Th Fts/14Th Ftw
TROLL 31,32 T-1A 92-0363,95-0040 48Th Fts/14Th Ftw
GHOST 91 AC-130J 12-5753 Det 2/1St SOG **********
10-07-2015 Like Yesterday nice warm and sunny with a few clouds Helicopters everywhere again and a few others mixed in with Lockheed Flight Testing MC-130J today as well:
REACH 5146 C-17A 05-5146 535Th AS/15Th Wg *****
REACH 487T C-17A 07-7185 437Th Aw ******
ARMY 72321 UH-72A 14-72321 US Army
JACKAL 1,2 T-38C 68-8188,67-14941 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw 142.6250 A/A
GLEAN 29 C-130J 11-5748 61St As/19Th Aw
PAT 569 C-12V 10-00259 Osacom/Patd
ARMY 60108 UC-35A 96-00108 2-228th Avn Co B
SCAR 1,2 T-38C 68-8208,66-4362 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw 150.25 A/A
SLAYR 38 U-28A 05-0556 319th Sos/1St Sow *****
SLAYR 36 U-28A 05-0447 319Th Sos/1St Sow *****
ARMY 90104 UC-35B 99-00104 2-228Th Avn Co B
SLASH 12 T-6A 04-3754 37Th Fts/14Th Ftw
ARMY 72080 UH-72A 08-72080 USAAAD Fort Polk
ARMY 90103 UC-35B 99-00103 2-228Th Avn Co B
LIMO 256 C-182T N806TH FBI/DOJ
ARMY 20267 UH-60M 10-20267 US Army
ARMY 01051 UC-35B 00-01051 2-228Th Avn Co B
NASA 924 T-38C N924NA NASA
TROLL 11,12 T-1A 95-0048,95-0056 48Th Fts/14Th Ftw
FIXER 55 MC-130J 13-5777 Lockheed Flight Test *****
PELICAN 82 P-8A 168761 VP-45
SENTRY 40 E-3B 77-0353 964Th Aacs/552Nd Acw *****
PAT 605 C-12T 86-00089 Osacom Det 36 IL ARNG
ALLEY 44 T-1A 94-0134 48Th Fts/14Th Ftw
ARMY 03780 MH-47G 08-03780 3-160Th SOAR ******
EVAL 12 AH-64D 08-07050 AFTD
REACH 668 C-21A 84-0125 457Th AS/375Th Amw
BACKY 91 KC-135R 63-8044 77Th Ars/916Th Arw
TIGER 40 P-8A 168851 VP-8
INDY 82 KC-135R 64-14834 74Th Ars/434Th Arw
ARMY 72026 UH-72A 07-72026 NTC Avn Det
REACH 809 C-17A 03-3113 183Rd As/172Nd Aw *****
EVAL 45 HH-60M 08-20145 AFTD
SPAR 35 C-37A 01-0030 310Th As/6Th Amw
REACH 033 C-17A 03-3114 183Rd As/172Nd Aw ******
PAT 19 UH-72A 10-72130 12Th Avn Co B
TROLL 31,32 T-1A 95-0040,95-0068 48Th Fts/14Th Ftw
SLAYR 34 U-28A 08-0850 318Th Sos/27Th Sow *****
ARMY 72012 UH-72A 07-72012 5Th Avn Co A
JEDI 45 T-6A 03-6203 455Th Fts/479Th FTg
REACH 485T C-17A 04-4135 437Th Aw ******
GUNDOG 7 T-38C 67-14941 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw
DIXIE 23,24 KC-135R 57-1453,58-0073 106Th Ars/117Th Arw
PAT 105 C-12V 10-00259 Osacom/Patd
SENTRY 6 E-3B 79-0002 960Th Aacs/552Nd Acw ****
REACH 486T C-17A 10-0222 437Th Aw ******
REACH 1776 C-130J 07-4637 41St As/19Th Aw *******
RAID 91 MC-130J 08-6204 522Nd Sos/27Th Sow ******
N4222A BE-1900 N4222A Tenax Air LLC
(This is a mil Contractor they have a large number of BEECH 1900,that are used as Couriers between Military bases,and they are listed to three different companies,but they are all part of one big company,they also have aircraft assigned as Equipment Management Systems which have flown as PAT aircraft.)