Dedicated forum to share your own recent videos with the rest of the community.
Forum rules
This is the forum to share your aviation videos with the rest of the community.
In topic titles, please use airfield names in stead of just codes and be clear about what kind of videos your viewers can expect.
Use the [youtube] tag where applicable and pay attention to the help about its changed use, displayed in the message editor when you post.
Bring any video criticism understandable and to the point, not cynical or offensive! Simultaneously, do not feel offended by criticism per se, but simply explain your motives, taste et cetera, or ignore if you wish so.
Groot is relatief.... Een B744 is ook groot. De vogel komt op een van de relatief sterkere stukken en kaatst ongelooflijk strak omhoog. De impact lijkt dus niet zo enorm; de snelheid was dan ook laag.
Vorig jaar heb ik achterin een twee persoons zweefvliegtuig een birdhit gehad op de vleugel en de pilot flying had het niet eens in de gaten..
Ik ben benieuwd naar foto's van de nose-cone achteraf..
Valk10 wrote:
Am ordered to delete the video at all my media channels. It is'nt wise to mention the details.
I was afraid you were gonna say that. Too bad. Bird strikes happen every day, and 'usually' the bird does not survive. Not a single reason this could be bad pubilicity for KL or AMS in any way.
Valk10 wrote:
Am ordered to delete the video at all my media channels. It is'nt wise to mention the details.
I was afraid you were gonna say that. Too bad. Bird strikes happen every day, and 'usually' the bird does not survive. Not a single reason this could be bad pubilicity for KL or AMS in any way.