June 6 1979: a great day for the RNLAF: that day the first F-16’s were handed over to the air force. F-16B J-259 and F-16A J-212 which was ready three weeks before schedule. Mr A. van Wijlen (Fokker) handed the two first aircraft over to Mr B. Scheideman (General Dynamics) while Brig Gen James Abrahamson signed on behalf of the USAF. Finally Gen Maj H. Dieters signed as the proud owner of these machines.
The next day June 7 the J-259 left for his new home base Leeuwarden. Accompanied by two F-104’s and 2 NF5’s is was shown in a flyby to the eleven cities of Friesland first before landing… Piloted by Willem Sneek and in the backseat was Gen Maj Elkerbout commander of CTL. Overhead the home plate the F16 pulled up vertically and gave a great show afterwards to impress the 5000 crowd on the ground. After several speeches the aircraft was again handed over now to the base commander Kol Van Pul. The spectators enjoyed the J-259 standing between two really old-timers: a Farma and Nieuport XVII. A historical day said Elkerbout, the same words were used this week with the arrival of the first two F-35’s a new era has started…