jreijmer wrote:Well one more log for Donauworth 31-5-2016
Hangar F8:
Tiger UHT 74+31,74+55,74+56,74+57,74+58,74+59 for HEER
NH.90TTH 78+34 for HEER
NH.90TTH 79+11 for HEER also outside later
NH90-NFH/Hkp.14F (146059/59) (c/n 1249) for Swedish Navy grey c/s BSWN05/EP440002
Hangar C7
EC135P3 D-HBPB(2) (c/n 0864) Polizei Bayern
H135 D-HECY(10) primer c/s
H135 D-HCBR(8) yellow c/s
H135 D-HCBZ(5) yellow c/s
Hangar D10
H145 D-HCBM(7) grey/silver c/s
H135 D-HCBB(10) yellow c/s cable cutters
H135 D-HECU(27) (c/n 1221) for Tohoku Air Service as JA161T/03
EC135 D-HTSC(4) c/n 0832 Airbus Helicopters primer
EC135T2+ D-HECP(30) (c/n 1218) for RAAN as N52-006/846 black/yellow c/s
H145 D-HCBV(7) (c/n 20082) for ADAC as D-HYAI yellow c/s
H145M D-HCBW (c/n 20083) for Luftwaffe grey c/s
H145M D-HADL(8) for Royal Thai Navy as 20057 grey c/s
H145 D-HADP(7) for Polizei silver/blue c/s
H145 D-HADQ(5) for Yorkshire Air Ambulance yellow c/s
H145M? D-HADU(5) c/n 20087 primer c/s cable cutters
H145 LN-OOB Norsk Luftambulanse AS yellow c/s
H145 c/n 20078 primer c/s fuselage only
98+51 is the first NH90-NFH destined for the German Navy (Marineflieger) and is desitned for MFG5.ypenburg63 wrote:Another 98+51 outside today with MARINE-titles on the tail. Anybody for its identity?
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