Exercises Coronet Crested Cap & Brave, Leeming & Finningley

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Exercises Coronet Crested Cap & Brave, Leeming & Finningley

Post by awacs »

Hey Guys,

A little surprise for this evening.
Some nostalgia from 1982 when the Americans were very very busy handling the situation with the Russians wich resulted in some major exercises in Europe held from 1970 till 1997.
A look back when a total of 12x F-4C Phantoms 131 TFG/110 TFS, St. Louis, Missouri ANG were based at RAF Leeming and 12x F-4D Phantoms 183 TFG/170 TFS, Capitol Airport, Illinois ANG were based at RAF Finningley.

A great website with a good overview of all these exercises is: http://www.sharpshooter-maj.com/html/deploy82.htm

Hope you enjoy these beasts!!


1. F-4D Phantom II aircraft during Exercise Coronet Cactus
ImageF-4D Phantom II aircraft during Exercise Coronet Cactus by Reinier Bergsma, on Flickr

2. Two F-4D Phantom II aircraft during Exercise Coronet Brave
ImageF-4D Phantom II aircraft during Exercise Coronet Brave by Reinier Bergsma, on Flickr

3. Radar inspection. F-4D Phantom II aircraft during Exercise Coronet Brave
ImageRadar inspection. F-4D Phantom II aircraft during Exercise Coronet Brave by Reinier Bergsma, on Flickr

4. Need some help! F-4D Phantom II aircraft during Exercise Coronet Brave
ImageNeed some help! F-4D Phantom II aircraft during Exercise Coronet Brave by Reinier Bergsma, on Flickr

5. Last checks! F-4D Phantom II aircraft during Exercise Coronet Cactus
ImageLast checks! F-4D Phantom II aircraft during Exercise Coronet Cactus by Reinier Bergsma, on Flickr
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Melchior Timmers
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Re: Exercises Coronet Crested Cap & Brave, Leeming & Finning

Post by Melchior Timmers »

Very nice, thanks for sharing!
Melchior Timmers
Editor Scramble Magazine
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The Netherlands
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