Hi all,
A quick stop was made in the morning of the 13th. Not too much on deck unfortunately, and one of the visiting Hercs was a very familiar one.
We slept in a hotel near the threshold, where a departing aircraft woke us up around 04:45 h.... And around 07:30 h two local Hercs left. Any help with the missing numbers of the European visitors would be appreciated!
99-0059 C-17A 62 AW
00-0181 C-17A 167 AW, 167 AS
02-1111 C-17A 62 AW
06-6160 C-17A 60 AMW, 21 AS
06-6161 C-17A 60 AMW, 21 AS
10-0219 C-17A 62 AW
91-1652 C-130H 139 AW, 180 AS
07-8608/RS C-130J 86 AW, 37 AS
07-8609/RS C-130J 86 AW, 37 AS
08-8606 C-130J 314 AW, 48 AS
? PC-12 TukiLLv
? P.180 93 Gr
02xx M-28 Pol AF
Oh, and the preserved F-86 is still visible from the hill.