...het zal er ongeveer zo uitgezien hebben...Voor zover bekend heeft dit nooit eerder tot dodelijke slachtoffers geleid. Wel gaat het vaak mis, waardoor mensen gewond raken.
Zo ook in 2000.
Een Zwitserse toeriste werd door zo'n jetblast omvergeblazen en liep ernstige verwondingen op.
Zij stelde de luchthaven aansprakelijk en procedeerde tot aan de Hoge Raad om haar gelijk te halen.
De zaak ging de geschiedenis in als het zogenaamde jetblast-arrest.
Daarin werd bepaald dat de waarschuwingsborden bij het vliegveld niet voldoende waren,
omdat niemand zich er iets van aantrok.
Tot op vandaag is er desondanks niets veranderd aan die situatie.
https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/6 ... at-airport
https://www.forbes.com/sites/christinen ... d59980270612 July 2017
Reports suggest that the woman was holding onto the fence with a number of tourists when the strength of the jet blast blew her onto the street where she hit her head knocking her out.
Ambulance officials arrived shortly after and personnel performed CPR on her in efforts to resuscitate her.
The incident took place just after 5:00pm.
Jet blast from an airliner departing St. Maarten's Princess Juliana Airport has claimed the life of a plane-spotter at the Caribbean beach internationally famed for its views of airliners on approach, according to a police report posted on the 721 news site in the Dutch Antilles.
The news bulletin reports the spectator was a 57-year old woman, a tourist from New Zealand, who was one of several people standing close to the fence that separates the runway from a narrow road and Maho Beach.
Billy Simmonds posted on Facebook that he saw the event and that the airplane taking off was Caribbean Airlines, which according to Flight Aware would have been a Boeing 737 departing for Trinidad.
In 2012 a young woman was serious injured as she was thrown against a concrete Jersey barrier by the blast of an arriving JetBlue airplane. Video of the episode was posted on YouTube in 2012.