0730-xxxx N1130B FA900
0830-xxxx N860AA G550
0900-1000 D-AUKE CL604
0930-xxxx TC-REC G450
1040-1615 OE-IXI CL605
1100-1230 A6-MAF G650
1120-1250 TC-JZF B737-800 TURKISH AL
xxxx 1300 N625SC BD700
xxxx-1730 ES-PVP LJ60
1755-xxxx G-HCSA C525
Moderator: gatso76
Cancelled.YS11 wrote:0730-xxxx N1130B FA900
Is in,currently a TOT for 1237lt rwy 22YS11 wrote:
1100-1230 A6-MAF G650
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