This log was assembled from various notes taken by Israel Aviation Tours, Ian Allan's group and several loose groups. Thanks guys!
Haifa (Israel)
Open House 19 April 2018
215 A-4H preserved
777 AH-64D
333 Beech A36 135sq
501 Beech B200 100sq
316 C-130E preserved
983 CH-53Yasur2000 i/a
'021' F-15A preserved ex 73-0093
622 F-15A i/a
301 F-16C i/a
377 F-16C i/a 110sq mks
'021' Kfir C2 preserved ex 821
132 OH-58B FTS
555 S-70A 123sq
'001' F-4E-2000 preserved gate, ex 304
... Mystere IV preserved gate, vertical
The rest of the preserved aircraft / museum had completely vanished and a large pile of scrap was noted. Draw your own conclusions...
Parade 19 April 2018
Technically, this should read 'parts of the parade'. The first waves with helicopters passed along the runway nice enough. The fighters came across straight overhead. The larger aircraft were seen lining up along the coast the distance heading South to Tel Aviv. Some smaller aircraft seen at Tel Aviv remained out of sight at Haifa. below is wat could be seen at Haifa, on base or from a place just outside the gate (larger aircraft). Also, the order over Tel Aviv was/may have been slightly different.
1st group:
917 CH-53Yasur2025 118sq
063 S-65 Yasur2025 118sq
2nd group:
582, 832 S-70A 123sq
3rd group:
905, 924 AH-64A 190sq
4th group:
4X-BMK/1, 4X-BML/2 AS350B3e Police
4X-BMM/3 AS350B3e Police
5th group:
4X-AFF/12, 4X-AFT/5 AT-802F 249sq
4X-AFY/4 AT-802F 249sq
6th group:
430, 440 F-16I 253sq
478 F-16I 253sq
7th group:
813, 869 F-16I 201sq
886 F-16I 201sq
8th group:
902, 904 F-35I 140sq
905 F-35I 140sq
9th group:
050, 069 F-16D 109sq
612 F-16D 109sq
10th group:
506, 511 F-16C 101sq
554 F-16C 101sq
11th group:
102, 104 M346I 102sq
110 M346I 102sq
12th group:
803, 823 F-16I 107sq
887 F-16I 107sq
13th group:
703, 711 Beech B200CT 135sq
14th group:
730 Beech B200T 135sq
990 RC-12D 135sq
15th group, individual aircraft (not lined up?):
8T-CA C-130K LuTSta
177703 CC-177 429sq
013 C295M 8.BLTr
ZH875 Hercules C4 RAF
Also three Greek F-16s from 340 Mira were in the mix somewhere, 520, 536, 538.
16th group:
295 B707 120sq
The three F-16I from 107sq had joined up with this.
17th group:
537 G550 Eitam 122sq
684 G-V Shavit 122sq
18th group:
662, 665 C-130J-30 103sq
19th group:
4X-EDC B787-9 El Al
More seen at Tel Aviv beach:
629 Beech B200T
435 C-130H
522 KC-130H
784 AH-64D
814, 840 S-70A
Also the four-ship T-6C+ demo team performed here (see also Ramat David show report): 400, 484, 488, 497