July 14th 2018;
5400/VH AS-555AN EH03.067
5455/VT AS-555AN EH03.067
322 SA-365F1 35F
0867/JDL EC-135T2 Gendarmerie
F-.... EC-135T2 Gendarmerie
F-.... EC-145 Gendarmerie
these two crossed the Heliport, looked to me they where on thier way to do a demo down town.
F-ZBPO EC-145 Securite Civile Dragon 75
1332/AES NH90-TTH 1RHC
1338/AEY NH90-TTH 1RHC +1 ?
1243/DBB SA-330Ba GIH Villacoublay
1512/DBK SA-330Ba GIH Villacoublay
2461/SA EC-725R2 EH01.067
2044/BIL Tigre HAP 4RHFS
6010/BJJ Tigre HAD 1RHC
6016/BJP Tigre HAD 1RHC
2273/CGF AS-532UL nn
4225/GET SA-342L1 4RHFS
4233/GFB SA-342Ma nn