Here we go then, and at number five, from 1976, but rumored to be due for phase-out as the "new" Ds come on line, its an F-15A with FMS 76-1505, performing the much loved low-roll-out left take-off ….

At number 4, from the 1980 delivery we have F-15C "Commando" displaying 3 and a half kills (downgraded from 4 and a half) the former 80-0129 (which actually appears on the NWD)

Moving forward to 1983 and at number 3, another F-15C showing her nether regions, the 83-0054 named "Nachshon" (I hadn't noted the name before)

Number 2, a former Lakenheath favourite (delivered thru there some years ago) and now confirmed as FMS 90-0277, named "shoshanat harochot" (Compass points, but not really visible from this angle)

Finally, and the moment you've all been waiting for, Top of the Pops, the former Oregon Guard 80-0055, now resplendent in new boots and panties (surely new paint and R2D2-unit, ed), but alarmingly (for the superstitious) with the same name as the unfortunate 110 (now rebuilt as 122) Hod hachanit (spear point, or "point of the spear" for the pedantic)