N62FF G-V VCSGV LLC arr 19:15 from VTBD/DMK dep 21st/08:37 to VTCC/CEI
N9943H Cirrus SR-50 arr 20:33 from VECC/CCU dep 19th/06:50 to ZGSD/ZUH
T7-HEY PA-46-350P arr 16:13 from VANP/NAG dep 21st/07:29 to WMSA/SZB
B-602F G650ER arr 07:35 from VLVT/VTE dep 10:15 to VTSP/HKT
VH-PFK Beech C90GTi Pacific Flight Services Pty Ltd. arr 14:42 from VTSG/KBV dep 27th/08:20 to VTSG/KBV
HS-CPA Beech 350 Siam Land Flying /Executive Wings arr 17:39 from VTBD/DMK dep 18:01 to VTBS/BKK