54+24 arrived at 15.36h on 24.01. as the 25th German A.400M. The next two will handed over to the Luftwaffe in February but will get the special armouring kit for operations in the Middle East and will therefore not be delivered to LTG 62 before March.
Also on the ramp were 54+07, 54+20 and 54+25 plus three more while 54+03 was towed out of the dock, 54+11 (without AAR-probes!) into the dock and 54+13 from one hangar to another.
Flying where 54+18 (to the Baltic), 54+17 (Line Training), 54+15 (from Jordan) and 54+04 refuelled 54+22 in two missions in the morning and the afternooen above the North Sea. So 15 different A.400M were seen.
LTG 62 activated 3./LTG 62 on January 9th as a special forces squadron, also responsible for military evacuation. Now three flying squadrons are based at Wunstorf (1 to 3./LTG 62) plus a fourth in Bremen for training.
Last edited by Herby on 25 Jan 2019, 09:27, edited 1 time in total.
Die neue Staffel wird zukünftig einen besonderen Auftrag übernehmen. Sie wird an Einsätzen, Übungen und Verlegungen von Spezialkräften teilnehmen. Bei militärischen Evakuierungsmissionen wird sie bei der Planung, Vorbereitung und Durchführung unterstützen. Mit den zunehmenden Fähigkeiten des A400M werden somit in den nächsten Jahren auch die Aufgaben und die Bedeutung der 3. Fliegenden Staffel steigen. So sind zunächst die Schaffung von Grundlagen, die Ausbildung der Soldatinnen und Soldaten und die Herstellung der Einsatzbereitschaft die Kernaufgaben."
Noted today (10.4.) on the ramp were the following A.400M of LTG 62:
54+15, 54+18 and 54+27 plus seven more unidentfied.
Flying were 54+07 (local training), 54+16 (local training), 54+19 (from Burgas), 54+23 (international training) and 54+24 (to Al Azraq).
Learjet 35 D-CGFF, D-CGFO and D-CGFB of GFD did some 40 calibration overshoots!
On 09.04. an Eurofighter (presumably TLwG 71) visited again (now regularly) for fireservice training. In the last weeks the first Belgium Air Component 15.Wing A.400M crews were trained.
Arriving at 13.30 hrs en route from Wattisham to Estonia via Nörvenich were 3.Regiment (662./663.Sqn.) Apache AH.1 ZJ179, ZJ190, ZJ192, ZJ199 and ZJ230.