04-21-2020 A couple of newer ones up in test flights and several visitors today mostly T-38C however because of covid-19,Military aircraft are not allowed to stop at any FBO at present,outside a military airfield,they shoot a few approaches and than head back home:
04-22-2020 Like yesterday quite a few trainers in the area and rain started moving in late afternoon,so doing this a little early and supposed to be stormy late tonight and tomorrow,gotta get a little sleep,might get rough:
Civil/Military Related/Government:
Camber 375 B-777-2U8 N828AX Omni Air International
Lead 89 BE-200 N5AE Tenax Aerospace
Omaha 16 BE-350 N816H Department OF Homeland Security/USCBP
Tanker 168 AVRO-RJ85 N416AC Aero-Flite
Nasa 5 G-V N95NA NASA
04-24-2020 Very busy before weekend and more storms,CAE brought in one of the C-12U today from Dothan for some approaches and usual mix of trainers and few others mixed in:
04-27-2020 Nice and sunny day,trainers early but Army dropping in late in the day, 2 C-12V and UC-35B along with an Coast Guard HC-144 doing approaches and a E-8C in area:
Civil/Military Related/Government:
GTI 8367 B-747-47UF N498MC Atlas Air (Still wears front White and tail yellow paint scheme when flying for POLAR,but name has been removed.)
DAGGER 22 D-328 N645HM 645Th AESG Big Safari (Wright-Patterson Afb.)
AS i was finishing up list an aircraft went down near Huntsville Executive Airport(KMDQ),Madison County Sheriiffs Office,Merdianville Fire, Hemsi responded to the scene,the pilot was checked out but unhurt.The aircraft Piper PA-32,N772SG had departed Northwest Florida Beaches Airport,KECP,near Panama City,the FAA Will investigate.
04-28-2020 A visit by REACH C-17A into Huntsville and 3 hours later back off, and good mix today E-6B,MC-130J,USCG HC-27J low level,HC-130J and usual mix of trainers and AFTD birds up:
Eval 18 C-12G 80-23380 AFTD
Pat 124 UC-35A 96-00107 2-228Th Avn Co A
Eval 23 UH-60V 90-26242 AFTD
Eval 78 T-6D 14-00068 AFTD
Reach 490 C-17A 02-1110 62ND Aw *****n In and out of Huntsville Intl Airport.
Pride 78 T-1A 95-0044 48Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Puma 82 C-130J 10-5771 61St AS/19Th Aw
Eval 53 T-6D 14-00066 AFTD
Musket 1 T-38C 70-1952 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Taco 19 T-6A 98-3540 37Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Eagle 8 T-38C 68-8207 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Eagle 1 T-38C 68-8187 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Sonic 49 T-6A 07-3870 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
Kick 1 T-6A 98-3035 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
Dude 1 T-6A 05-3784 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
Sonic 45 T-6A 00-3574 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
Death 1 T-38C 69-7074 49Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Eval 32 UH-72A 13-72332 AFTD
HYTEK 12 MC-130J 11-5733 19Th Sos/492ND Sow *****
Valor 26 T-6A 06-3837 37Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Elvis 31 C-17A 93-0600 155Th As/164Th Aw
Guard 72139 UH-72A 10-72139 1-114Th Avn Co C MS ARNG
Pat 206 C-12U 84-00176 Osacom Det 25 TN ARNG
Gundog 1,2 T-38C 65-10337,65-10452 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw 142.4250 A/A
Guts 1 T-38C 69-7075 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Crazy 55 T-6A 08-3930 37Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Sonic 48 T-6A 98-3038 37Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Blaze 1 T-1A 95-0061 48Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Banzai 1,2 T-38C 64-13211,68-8188 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw 150.1 A/A
Ninja 1,2 T-38C 68-8180,68-8127 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw 142.6250 A/A
Alley 69 T-1A 95-0058 48Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Coast Guard 2704 HC-27J 2704/EX USA 08-27013 USCG Elizabeth City
Scar 1,2 T-38C 68-8148,67-14934 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw 149.1 A/A
Alley 44 T-1A 94-0148 48Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Gundog 7 T-38C 65-10474 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Gundog 8 T-38C 68-8164 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Alma 68 E-6B 162783 VQ-3/Scw-1 *****
Frisco 1,2 T-38C 67-14941,65-10348 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw 150.3 A/A
Iron 72 T-6A 08-3931 37Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Slash 91 T-6A 02-3654 37Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Iron 70 T-6A 06-3834 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
Iron 78 T-6A 06-3817 37Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Ripsaw 2 T-6A 97-3014 37Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Atila 25 UC-35D 166374 VMR Det Andrews
Army 50094 C-12V 95-00094 2-228Th Avn Co A
Eval 75 T-6D 14-00066 AFTD
Army 00256 C-12V 10-00256 2-228Th Avn Co B Det 1
Alley 98 T-1A 95-0055 48Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Slash 50 T-6A 02-3649 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
Dagger 8 T-6A 06-3855 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
Tweet 80 T-6A 98-3539 37Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Boeing 68 C-17A 99-0168 517Th AS/3Rd Wg (Depot)
Pat 005 C-12U 84-00154 Osacom Det 38 LA ARNG
King 15 HC-130J 12-5773 71St RQs/23RdW g
Eval 10 CH-47F 11-08431 AFTD
Civil/Military Related/Government:
N626AH EC-145 N626AH Airbus Helicopters
Gulftest 22 G-650(ER) N617GA Gulfstream Flight Test
04-30-2020 Last day of the month and usual mix also NC-135W working out of Greenville came all the way across Alabama and into South Georgia and than back to Texas:
05-01-2020 New month and things slowly getting better more business open and more people back to work starting Monday,a couple OF KC-10A in the area today and a E-8C dropped in for approaches at Huntsville,caught a c few P-8A today as well: