Noted on the ramp on 22.9. were LTG 62 A400M´s 54+23, 54+29, 54+31 and 54+34 plus four more unidentified.
Active were 54+08 (departed to Manching for checks until April 2021), 54+19 (arrived from Manching after C-Check with crew of 54+08), 54+21, (departed to Ämari), 54+24 (training) and 54+33 (departed to Mali). In the afternoon 54+31 flew a tanker mission until 19.30h.
Active on 19.10. were LTG 62 A400M 54+19, 54+26 and 54+31.
Noted on the ramp on 15.10. were
54+10, 54+17, 54+20, 54+25, 54+30, 54+31 plus 5 unidentified.
The „Generalinspekteur Luftwaffe“ likes to give the wing a new badge in the next months, he stated that the blind „Hans Huckebein“ on LTG 62s badge don’t represent a modern and active transport unit with many different tasks. It is also possible to give it a traditional name.
Noted here on 29.10. were active A400M of LTG 62 54+10 (two training missions) and 54+31 (Air/Air refuelling) plus 11 more unidentified on the ramp.
Arrving on 28.10. was C-160D 50+66 of LTG 63. It did a nightstop and should have departed early on 29.10., but went u/s. So C-160D arrived from Hohn and replaced it with it´s mission. Also arriving and departing for a planned visit on 29.10. was 50+83.
P-3C CUP 60+06 of MFG 3 was planned to train some hours in the afternoon in a period 11.00 to 15.00 local hrs. The Orion arrived in fact on 11.20 and was seen performing overshoots and touch and go´s until 14.45 local hrs.
Due to it´s still untenable condition and the obvious unability of Airbus at Sevilla to resolve the problems the delivery of 54+36 was postponed further. The same will happen with 54+35.
Active LTG 62 A400M in mid-November were 54+05, 54+18, 54+19, 54+20, 54+24, 54+25, 54+31, 54+33 (on 17.11. to Al Azraq in exchange for 54+23 which came back on 18.11.) and 54+34.
54+25 exchanged 54+16 as a tanker and got the refuelling pods.
Visiting on 18.11. was NH90NTH 79+57 of MFG 5 while C-160D 50+83 of LTG 63 performed several overshoots and two unidentfied TLwG 51 Tornados did two overshoots.
The visitor of the year and „first mil visit of nation“ landed on 2.12. at 11.55h in the shape of RAAF/36.Sqn. C-17A A41-207. It departed 73 minutes later to Getafe.
The arrival of 54+36 is planned for the 4.12.
Last edited by Herby on 03 Dec 2020, 12:27, edited 1 time in total.
After the „first mil visit of nation“ yesterday of the RAAF C-17 Luxemburg Armed Forces A400M CT-01 operated by BAC/15.Wing, 20.Smd. did make it’s first appearance at Wunstorf on 3.12. and another „first mil visit of nation“!