9N-AMB CRJ-702ER Shree Airlines SHA4325/4326 arr 11:48 from VNKT/KTM dep 14:29 to VNKT/KTM
B-220L B737-86N(BCF) China Central Longhao Airlines LHA4215/4216 arr 12:01 from ZGSX/SZX dep 16:17 to ZGSX/SZX
G-STBH B777-336ER British Airways BAW3599/3598 arr 16:10 from EGLL/LHR dep 29th/01:34 to EGLL/LHR
B-1109 B737-34SSF China Central Longhao Airlines LHA4115/4116 arr c11:45 dep 14:13
D-AIXB A350-941 Lufthansa DLH772/773 arr 06:31 from EDDF/FRA dep 23:06 to EDDF/FRA
G-STBI B777-336ER British Airways BAW3599/3598 arr 15:40 from EGLL/LHR dep 30th/01:45 to EGLL/LHR
PK-GPD A330-341 Garuda Indonesia GIA8664/8674 arr 13:02 from WIII/CGK dep 14:20 to WIII/CGK
B-220L B737-86N(BCF) China Central Longhao Airlines LHA4215/4216 arr 11:31 from ZGSX/SZX dep 12:43 to ZGSX/SZX
G-STBK B777-336ER British Airways BAW3599/3598 arr 15:52 from EGLL/LHR dep 31st/01:32 to EGLL/LHR
PK-GPF A330-341 Garuda Indonesia GIA8664/8674 arr 12:49 from WIII/CGK dep 14:09 to WIII/CGK
D-AIXQ A350-941 Lufthansa DLH772/773 arr 06:32 from EDDF/FRA dep 23:10 to EDDF/FRA
G-STBA B777-336ER British Airways BAW3599/3598 arr 15:48 from EGLL/LHR dep 01st/01:37 to EGLL/LHR
G-STBL B777-336ER British Airways BAW3594/3595 arr 14:38 from EGLL/LHR dep 01st/00:53 to EGLL/LHR
B-7349 B777-39PER China Eastern Airlines CES7547/7548 arr 00:52 from ZSPD/PVG dep 02:32 to ZSPD/PVG
D-AIXM A350-941 Lufthansa DLH772/773 arr 06:22 from EDDF/FRA dep 23:11 to EDDF/FRA
G-STBJ B777-336ER British Airways BAW3599/3598 arr 15:25 from EGLL/LHR dep 01st/01:31 to EGLL/LHR
D-AIXP A350-941 Lufthansa DLH772/773 arr 06:37 from EDDF/FRA dep 23:15 to EDDF/FRA
F-GUOC B777-F28 Air France Cargo AFR6728/6729 arr 23:46 from LFPG/CDG dep 03rd/02: to LFPG/CDG
G-STBE B777-336ER British Airways BAW3599/3598 arr 15:53 from EGLL/LHR dep 03rd/01:32 to EGLL/LHR
VH-QPH A330-303 Qantas QFA7705/7706 arr 23:07 from YMMB/MEL dep 03rd/20:45 to YMMB/MEL
VQ-BWT B747-412(BCF) Longtail Aviation LGT1000/3302 arr 18:49 from UAKK/KGF dep 20:56 to UAKK/KGF
XY-ALO EMB-190LR Myanmar Airways International MMA331/332 arr 18:22 from VYYY/RGN dep 19:54 to VYYY/RGN
Last edited by Le Addeur noir on 04 Jun 2021, 03:01, edited 1 time in total.
D-AIXN A350-941 Lufthansa DLH772/773 arr 06:28 from EDDF/FRA dep 23:15 to EDDF/FRA
G-STBK B777-336ER British Airways BAW3594/3595 arr 15:04 from EGLL/LHR dep 01st/00:34 to EGLL/LHR
9V-SGC A350-941ULR Singapore Airlines SIA708/707 arr 10:36 from WSSS/SIN dep 12:10 to WSSS/SIN First visit for this airplane
B-30FM A350-941 China Eastern Airlines CES7547/7548 arr 00:27 from ZSPD/PVG dep 01:45 to ZSPD/PVG
G-STBA B777-336ER British Airways BAW3594/3595 arr 14:45 from EGLL/LHR dep 05th/00:34 to EGLL/LHR
G-STBC B777-336ER British Airways BAW3599/3598 arr 15:58 from EGLL/LHR dep 05th/01:20 to EGLL/LHR
D-AIXM A350-941 Lufthansa DLH772/773 arr 06:37 from EDDF/FRA dep 23:22 to EDDF/FRA
G-STBB B777-336ER British Airways BAW3594/3595 arr 14:46 from EGLL/LHR dep 06th/00:22 to EGLL/LHR
D-ABUO B767-3Q8ER Condor Flugdienst CFG8518 arr 20:57 from EDDF/FRA dep 15th/15:26 to WIII/CGK
D-AIXG A350-941 Lufthansa DLH772/773 arr 06:36 from EDDF/FRA dep 23:18 to EDDF/FRA
Last edited by Le Addeur noir on 15 Jun 2021, 22:17, edited 1 time in total.
4L-GEO B747-236B(SF) Geo Sky GEL803/804 arr 00:49 from UGTB/TBS dep 04:03 to UGTB/TBS
D-AIXB A350-941 Lufthansa DLH772/773 arr 06:34 from EDDF/FRA dep 23:16 to EDDF/FRA
ER-BBB B747-433BDSF Aerotranscargo ATG9947/9948 arr 03:31 from VHHH/HKG dep 05:58 to UACC/NQZ