D-CITA Lear Jet 60 FAI Rent-A-Jet IFA1364 arr c18:15 from VOHS/HYD
N106EC ERJ-135BJ AC Aviation arr 13:22 from VTST/TST dep 14:08 to VTBD/DMK
PR-ZIQ ERJ-135E2STD Embraer - Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica SA arr 14:28 from VTBD/DMK dep 02nd/09:02 to VYYY/RGN
RA-76951 IL-76TD-90 Volger-Dnepr Airlines VDA2143 arr 11:24 from WBKL/LBU
UR-82027 AN-124-100M Antonov Airlines ADB270F arr 14:43 from VCBI/CMB
VT-RUP Global 5000 Bajaj Holdings and Investment Limited arr 20:01 from VTSP/HKT
N710CK B747-4B5F Kalitta Air CKS258/232A arr 12:53 from VHHH/HKG dep 05th/04:58 to VHHH/HKG
PR-ZIQ ERJ-135E2STD Embraer - Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica SA arr 14:37 from VYYY/RGN dep 03rd/02:53 to VAAH/AMD
9H-OJS Global 6000 OJets EAU39S arr 21:41 from WADD/DPS dep 11th/13:33 to WSSL/XSP
HS-VNT G200 Advance Aviation arr 14:38 from VTBD/DMK dep 09th/14:16 to VDSV/KOS
N210BA Cessna P210 arr 16:00 from VGEG/CGP
Last edited by Le Addeur noir on 13 Aug 2019, 07:52, edited 4 times in total.