They are switching to "BLUE1" 379.850 after Refueling all the time, but very much in the north above the IslesArgus 01 wrote:F-16's active on 285.050 Dutch Mil / 299.600 AAR / 140.675 a/a. No other "known" freq's were active during the afternoon till now so I guess they switch over to Link 16 when they are finished with Joost mentioned: Good for them, not for the listeners....joost wrote:They are working with Link16. Good for them, not for the listeners.Argus 01 wrote:Anyone heared AWACS or F-16's activity this morning? Nothing heared besides some AWACS contact with Bandbox on 261.00 and 376.775.....thought there were F-16's in the air the whole day including AAR activity...
besides, have not heard any F-16 as well, Apaches were heard on several bandbox freqs