CH-47D 298Sq: Grizzly 25 (D-101, VFR naar De Kooy).
SA316B 300Sq: -
AS532U2 300Sq: Demon 5 (S-445, VFR naar De Kooy), Wolfhound 70, Wolfhound 71.
AH-64D 301Sq: Hawk 01 (Q-25), Redskin 21 (Q-29).
Combined: Knife-flight: Knife 1, 2 (Apaches) + Sabre 3-5 (Chinook + 2 Cougars).
Lokaal verkeer gelogd door SBS-1/Mode S vandaag: D-101, S-445, S-453, S-442, Q-22, Q-29, Q-25.
1.Mace 75 (F-16, 10 W) inbound for a Hi-TACAN, low approach runway 28 at Gilze. After EHGR inbound Volkel > switching Volkel arrival 379.9250 MHz
2.Diamond 02, after initial, a low approach runway 28:
480C29 L-09 DIAM02 2010-10-22 08:13:33 PC-7 Netherlands 131EMVOsqn Naaldwijk, NL 3601 1300
3.NAF 35, after the ILS a touch and go runway 28 followed by left hand circuits:
480C04 G-275 NAF35 2010-10-22 08:13:45 C-130H-30 Netherlands 336sqn Breda East, NL 5465 1800
4.Razor 02, TACAN runway 28 followed by a touch and go
480C21 L-01 RAZO02 2010-10-22 14:12:10.457 PC-7 Netherlands 131EMVOsqn Breda East, NL
5.Archer 01, touch & go runway 28 after the ILS.