Wiesbaden, 16-10-2012
After Ramstein we decided to have a quick look at Wiesbaden.
We were there from 16.50h - 17.00h.
This is what we noted parked outside:
95-00123 UC-35A-1 52nd AVN
97-00102 UC-35A-1 52nd AVN
84-00161 C-12U-3 52Avn
P180E MM62169 28 Gr sqn AVES
005 Ce650 212 Filo
V-11 G-IV 334sqn
85-00152 RC-12K 1st MI Bn
92-13122 RC-12X 1st MI Bn dep16.55h
Not bad for a 10 minutes stop
Mick, Joan and Per