Dedicated forum to share your older or thematic photos with the rest of the community.
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This is the forum to share your older or theme-based aviation photos, under the same conditions as the parent forum. For more information on how to upload you images, check this post.
In topic titles, please use airfield names in stead of just codes, and be clear about what kind of photos your viewers can expect (e.g. CIV/MIL, location etc.).
Jan Hendriksen wrote:J-35J Draken 35607/07 F10 RSwedish-AF landing at Soesterberg AB, 27-07-1994.
But I firmly believe this picture was taken August 1, 1994... That day I was with Dutch Mil talking these guys (there were two more Drakens, one Lansen and one Tp84) into EHSB.
"But I firmly believe this picture was taken August 1, 1994... That day I was with Dutch Mil talking these guys (there were two more Drakens, one Lansen and one Tp84) into EHSB"
Yep, the Swedish party was also present at this day. They came from RAF Faiford for a fuelstop. So they were there at two different days.
Darn all these pictures make me wish I was born sooner. I was born in 1991 so I missed out on the real active Soesterberg. I wish they wouldn't close the base and let it grow so one day it can be as active as it once was
Here an Italian Tornado still in the period of the famous weekendstops. This 154 Gruppo MM7083/6-10 came in together with MM7024 on friday afternoon 4 June 1993...
WOW, It is great to see this. All these pics bring memories back to my mind. The Phantoms are my favorites, but the rest is also bringing tears to my eyes. Those days will never come back!! Unfortunatelly!!
Thanks for sharing all this wonderful stuff!!
Sorry for the delay but I had to find a scanner. Here are some pictures of the B52's at EHSB! Not the best quality but a anyway here they are:
60-0021/GR and 600021/GR both B-52H 17-9-93 at the and of the day at the bakermat.
See" onclick=";return false; and all will be clear. However, I suspect that the pics on your site will not be available for this option. If i were you I would upload them to one of the in the mentioned post suggested sites and then deeplink into this thread.
Vraagje: op 9 augustus 1989 werd ik en nog een aantal anderen op de "bult" verrast door het bezoek van een Braziliaanse KC-137 met serial 2404.
Helaas maakte ik toendertijd nog geen foto's. Maar wie weet is er iemand die dit exotisch exemplaar die dag wel geplaat heeft. Zou hiervan graag iets willen zien. Toch ook een toppertje uit de jaren '80.