N227LA G-1159 American Aircraft Leasing Inc arr 16.41 from PHMK,dep 17.25 to KHII
N846GF G-IV Worldwide Jet Charter arr 04.33 from MMMY,dep 19.11 to KVNY
N877AB BD-700 arr 02.56 from KVNY,dep 04.32 to YSSY
C-GCUL Cessna 750 arr 03.51 from KBFI,dep 04.55 to PKMJ
N269MJ CL-300 Maui Jim Inc arr 15.05 from KOAK,dep 06.23/15th to KOAK
N740VC G-1159A SK Aviation LLc arr 12.18 from KAPC,dep 12.02/16th to PHNL