07-01-2020 A few around despite some showers,some VIPS in town,US Army Secretary was here with some Army Reps Visiting Defense Contractors with projects they are continuing to work on despite the current health Crisis:
Eval 36 UH-72A 15-72351 AFTD
Eval 04 C-12G 80-23380 AFTD
Eval 78 T-6D 14-00066 AFTD
Ripsaw 4 T-6A 02-3645 37Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Iron 70 T-6A 98-3035 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
Jimmy 41 T-6A 03-3704 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
Taipan 1,2 T-38C 65-10337,68-8188 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw 149.6250 A/A
Tweet 4 T-6A 07-3893 37Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Fuzzy 60 T-6A 98-3546 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
Mafia 91 T-6A 02-3657 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
Eagle 01 T-38C 68-8101 50Th Fts/14th Ftw
Iron 77 T-6A 06-3819 37Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Jimmy 46 T-6A 06-3818 37Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Eagle 07 T-38C 65-10386 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Gundog 8 T-38C 68-8170 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Shady 10 MC-12S 10-00742 2-224Th Mi Btln Co B *****
Wing 59 C-12V 10-00260 2-228Th Avn Co B Det 1
Wing 23 UC-35A 96-00111 6-52ND Avn Co C
Pat 873 UC-35B 99-00104 2-228Th Avn Co B
Army 1944 C-37A 97-01944 PATD
Army 01052 UC-35B 00-01052 PATD
Pat 887 C-12U 86-60085 Osacom Det 32 CA ARNG
Reach 343 C-17A 07-7186 437Th Aw *****
Dixie 54 KC-135R 57-1473 106Th Ars/117Th Arw
Hound 91 C-146A 12-3085 524Th Sos/492Nd Sow *****
Cluny 06 E-6B 164404 VQ-4/Scw-1 *****
Snap 87 KC-135R 63-7995 22ND Arw
Civil/Military Related/Government:
N3867X L-382 N3867X/EX C-130 4684 T3D&H LLC
(Based at Bob Sikes Airport,Florida,this and several others supposedly all registered to different entities,actually all to Gulf Air Group also own several former Hawker Siddeley,formerly Tepper Aviation,Government contractor.)
07-02-2020 Well kinda slow to start the day storms in Atlanta and Mississippi,kept pretty much anything going up,but afternoon saw several T-6A and T-38 visit,VIPS here today they had a change of command ceremony for Army Material Command:
07-05-2020 A few more on this Sunday after the holiday:
Reach 466T C-17A 10-0215 437Th Aw *****
Convoy 4003 C-40A 165832 VR-58
Flash 22 E-4B 73-1677 1St Accs/595Th Cacg *****
Spur 89 KC-135R 60-0341 153Rd Ars/186Th Arw Was one of many tankers used for July 4 flyovers,with B-1,B-2,B-52,F-16 F-15,F-22A and F-35.
Pat 893 C-12U 86-60085 Osacom/PATD? Used to be California Osacom,but may have moved today flew from Wilmington,DE to Smyrna,Tn and from there to Fort Hood.Lately several trips out of Wilmington,DE.
Convoy 4606 C-40A 166696 VR-59
Reach 103 C-17A 90-0534 437Th Aw *****
07-07-2020 Quite busy about usual with Columbus, Redstone and few others thrown in storms all around the area but no rain or big storms here,highlight of today was the DHC-8 that came in to Huntsville Executive Airport:
07-08-2020 A few Around despite some showers and T-storms, heads up Ascot 9301 Voyager taking some F-35 to East Coast Of Us,probably start home in couple of days and had one stop into Huntsville this case Ascot 6660 C-17A ZZ176:
Reach 141 C-17A 10-0222 437Th Aw *****
Eagle 03 T-38C 70-1560 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Banzai 1,2 T-38C 66-8356,65-10405 49Th Fts/14Th Ftw 150.15 A/A
Reef 1,2 T-38C 68-8170,67-14941 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw 142.6250 A/A
Raptor 9 T-38C 67-14850 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Mafia 89 T-6A 03-3704 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
Gecko 77 C-27J 10-27028 UFC
Burner 01 T-38C 70-1553 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Scar 1,2 T-38C 65-10432,65-10387 50Th Fts./14Th Ftw 140.95 A/A
Fire 92 T-6A 07-3869 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
Army 08246 X 2 CH-47F 17-08246,??? US Army Flew over 2400 feet headed to Fort Campbell,right in the sun,so did not get the second number.
Pat 114A C-12V 10-00257 6-52Nd Avn Co B Det 1
Cobb 50 C-130H 92-0550 700Th As/94Th Aw
Dixie 20 KC-135R 58-0004 106Th Ars/117Th Arw
Eval 53 T-6D 14-00066 AFTD
Pride 24 T-6A 06-3838 37Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Claw 81 T-6A 06-3841 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
Alley 35 T-1A 95-0049 48Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Reach 805 C-17A 98-0051 517Th As/3Rd Wg *****
Lockheed 5901 C-130J 17-5901 Lockheed Flight Test ****
Kbar 61 UC-12F 163561 Vmr Det Mcas New River
Reach 979 C-17A 08-8203 62Nd Aw *****
Bones 3 T-38C 67-14855 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Eagle 01 T-38C 68-8188 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Ninja 09 T-38C 67-14850 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Army 26764 UH-60L 97-26764 AFTD
Harley 1,2 T-38C 69-7076,65-10387 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw 141.7250 A/A
Nitro 62 KC-135R 58-0123 54Th Ars/97Th Amw
Lord 81 MC-130J 17-5876 415Th Sos/58Th Sow *****
AScot 9301 X 4 Voyager KC 3,F-35 ZZ333,? 10/101st Sq Raf Brize Norton
Pat 009 UC-35A 98-00009 PATD
Avlon 37 C-40C 09-0540 73Rd As/932Nd Aw
Sam 994 C-40B 01-0041 1St As/89Th Aw
Mega 67 MC-130J 13-5777 17Th Sos/353Rd Sog Came off Donaldson Center Airport,SC Headed back westbound after having some work done.
Ascot 6660 C-17A ZZ176 99Th Sq Raf Brize Norton ****
Civil/Military Related/Government:
N475LC G-IV N475LC L-3 IS LLC.
07-09-2020 Quite a few today just hot and sticky,possibly C-130J delivery today,3 E-8C in area and WC-130J checking out storm off east coast of North Carolina:
07-10-2020 About usual for Friday like yesterday just hot and sticky,just in case anybody plans to visit best time to catch Columbus birds early Am or late evening usually one round early and some right before dark,several contractors up today::
07-13-2020 It was foggy early after storms yesterday took awhile but ,quite a few KC-135R as REACH Flights today and a KC-130J visited from Navy Fort Worth for some approaches,before heading home, and just found out one of the newly converted HH-60G at Huntsville arrived at it's home base today on west coast thanks to a friend in the area:
Civil/Military Related/Civil:
Arcat 85 BD-100 N350XK General Atomics Aeronautical Systems
Arcat 35 LJ-35 N200TW General Atomics Aeronautical Systems
Grizzly 76 DHC-8 N590K Dynamic Aviation Group Inc.
(Came up late off Huntsville Executive Airport,worked low level 3,000 feet over Redstone Restricted area about 2 hours and back to Huntsville Executive.)
07-16-2020 It was an interesting day to say the least the DHC-8 was back up today doing some testing with dual mode S regular and new MIL Mode S full details at bottom,and a new AH-64E and some Army Guard choppers and a few others thrown in the mix,very hot again:
Army 20061 UH-60M 07-20061 US Army
Army 20969 UH-50M 17-20969 US Army
Eval 18 T-6D 14-00068 AFTD
Kbar 58 UC-12F 163558 Mcas New River
Ruler 21 C-17A 03-3114 183Rd As/172Nd Aw
Hound 41 C-146A 15-3086 524Th Sos/492Nd Sow *****
Legend 3 E-8C 00-2000 461St Acw/116Th Acw *****
Soda 55 KC-135R 58-0119 151St Ars/134Th Arw
Navy TP 11 T-38C 688158 USNTPS
Reach 330 C-17A 08-8190 437Th Aw ***** Went into Fort Campbell,departed there later to Bangor.
Reach 310 C-17A 03-3118 183Rd As/172Nd Aw *****
Wing 55 C-12V 92-03328 2-228th Avn Co C Det 1
KNight 1,2,3,4 T-38C 66-4380,68-8188,70-1560,67-14850 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw 142.6250 A/A
Army 72351 UH-72A 15-72321 US Army
Fire 92 T-6A 02-3648 41St Fts/14th Ftw
Misfit 1 T-6A 98-3541 41St Fts/14Th ftw
Tweet 13 T-6A 05-3760 41St Fts/14Th ftw
Claw 06 T-6A 98-3035 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
Claw 05 T-6A 99-3567 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
Guard 23911 X 2 UH-60A 83-23911,88-26065 US Army Guard
Army 93256 AH-64E 19-03256 US Army
Bolt 46 KC-135R 63-8885 91St Ars/6Th Arw
Snake 1 T-38C 65-10348 50th Fts/14Th Ftw
Ninja 09 T-38C 68-8187 50Th Fts/14th Ftw
Knife 01 T-6A 00-3570 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
Wolf 01 T-6A 97-3014 37Th Fts/14th Ftw
Lock 30 T-6A 00-3581 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
Musket 1 T-38C 68-8211 50Th Fts/14Th ftw
Army 26527 UH-60L 93-26527 US Army
Ninja 1,2 T-38C 65-10337,64-13297 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw 141.7250 A/A
Lama 93 E-6B 163920 VQ-3/Scw-1 *****
Eagle 1,2,3,4 T-38C 68-8170,68-8127,69-7075,67-14850 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw 149.1 A/A
Cujo 29 T-6A 04-3758 37Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Flat 88 T-38C 70-1567 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Tweet 80 T-6A 06-3833 37Th Fts/14Th ftw
Bones 04 T-38C 68-8164 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Pat 448 UC-35A 96-00107 2-228Th Avn Co A
Guard 72140 UH-72A 10-72140 1-114Th Avn Co C MS ARNG
Guard 72135 UH-72A 10-72135 2-151St AVn Co C Det 1 GA ARNG
Ninja 1,2 T-38C 68-8187,65-10348 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw 150.1 A/A
Iron 78 T-6A 01-3616 41St Fts/14Th ftw
Alley 67 T-1A 95-0041 48Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Cutlass 1 T-6A 06-3841 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
Pat 268 C-12U 78-23128 USASOC Flight Det.
Gundog 07 T-38C 68-8200 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Uhaul 33 C-5M 85-0009 68Th A/433Rd Aw
Pat 402 C-12U 84-24376 MI ARNG Det 15
Eddie 91 KC-135R 59-1458 121St Arw
Pride 64 T-1A 95-0043 48Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Blaze 6 T-6A 95-0060 48Th Fts/14Th Ftw
After the list was sent in a little cooler weather now:
RABID 69 C-146A 11-3097 859Th Sos/919Th Sow Is Shooting approaches at Hsv International 118.05 App/Dep,127.6 Hsv Twr
Civil/Military Related/Government:
N590K DHC-8 N590K Dynamic Aviation Group LLC.
(Went up with Huntsviille approach 125.6,climbing out to south up to 8500 feet was testing different squawk codes usual Mode S Code A79E48,well a couple of minutes into flight about 300 foot difference AE65F3 popped up at 8500 feet and FLTEST,on the way back in showed the same,when in descent back to Huntsville Executive,Mil Mode S disappeared and the regular mode s popped up again, not sure if this one is another intended for RO-6A or the one that USAF SOCOM has requested.)
07-17-2020 Very hot on this Friday,few scattered showers around but not enough to mess up flying activity,DHC-8 went back to Virginia for now,but another contractor came in an experimental aircraft and they do mods for several different mil types,since no early activity from Columbus the P-8A have started coming back in early for approaches:
Army 1778 C-37B 04-1778 PATD
Navy VV 101 C-37B 166376 VR-1
Eval 76 C-12G 80-23380 AFTD
Army 72351 UH-72A 15-72351 AFTD
Navy LL 855 P-8A 168428 VP-30
Eval 14 AH-64E 10-09001 AFTD
Navy VM 767 UC-35D 166767 Vmr Detachment
Pat 562 C-12U 84-24375 2-228Th Avn Co C
Navy TP 11 T-38C 688159/11 USNTPS
Pat 466 UC-35B 99-00104 2-228th Avn Co B
Gonzo 1 T-38C 70-1553 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Fuzzy 60 T-6A 06-3814 37Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Skunk 41 T-6A 02-3656 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
Shark 50 C-130J 16-5883 19Th Aw
Eagle 1,2,3,4 T-38C 65-10474,68-8207,68-8202,68-8187 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw 149.6250 A/A
Fire 92 T-6A 06-3841 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
Dude 1 T-6A 00-3592 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
Rusty 2 T-1A 06-3859 37Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Alley 54 T-1A 95-0054 48Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Claw 01 T-6A 07-3878 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
Soda 82 KC-135R 57-1436 151St Ars/134Th Arw
Army 72458 UH-72A XX-72458 US Army Headed into Airbus facility at Columbus,MS.
Pioneer 91 P-8A 167955 VX-1
Snake 1 T-38C 70-1952 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Eddie 91 KC-135R 63-7993 121St Arw
Pat 250 C-26E 91-00511 Det 17 OSAC NC ARNG
Wing 55 C-12V 92-03328 2-228Th Avn Co A Det 1
Navy LL 855 P-8A 169545 Vp-30
Ninja 1,2 T-38C 69-7075,65-10348 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw 141.7250 A/A
Convoy 4023 C-40A 166696 VR-59
Alley 67 T-1A 95-0055 48Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Scream 3 T-38C 70-1583 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Wolf 1 T-6A 06-3833 37Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Ripsaw 2 T-6A 06-3838 37Th Fts/14th Ftw
Tweet 80 T-6A 06-3839 37Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Gundog 1 T-38C 65-10452 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Eval 14 T-6D 14-00068 AFTD
Eval 35 Ch-47F 11-08431 AFTD
Army 10301 UC-35B 01-00301 PATD
Kbar 58 UC-12F 163558 Vmr Mcas New River
Cougar 14 C-21A 84-0135 458Th AS/375Th Amw
Alley 20 T-1A 94-0139 48Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Convoy 4926 C-40A 165836 VR-57
Dallas 1 T-38C 70-1560 50th Fts/14Th Ftw
Fred 225 C-5M 86-0024 22Nd AS/60Th Amw
Noway 1,2,3 T-38C 70-1553,68-8146,68-8163 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw 149.1 A/A
Iron 70 T-6A 02-3653 37Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Ripsaw 9 T-6A 00-3592 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
Sonic 40 T-6A 98-3546 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
Sonic 44 T-6A 06-3841 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
Claw 84 T-6A 04-3718 41St Fts/14Th Ftw
Taipan 1 T-38C 67-14934 50Th Fts/14Th Ftw
Civil/Military Related/Government:
N590K DHC-8 N590K Dynamic Aviation Group
Omaha 19 HH-60L N819KB/05-27038 DHS
N313BM BE-200GT N313BM IS&S Aviation This one is experimental.
(Contractor company is Innovative Solutions and Support,Auto throttle for BE-200 and BE-300,also mods for P-3,DC-10,C-130,PC-12,B-737 and B-767.)