Dedicated forum to share your older or thematic photos with the rest of the community.
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This is the forum to share your older or theme-based aviation photos, under the same conditions as the parent forum. For more information on how to upload you images, check this post.
In topic titles, please use airfield names in stead of just codes, and be clear about what kind of photos your viewers can expect (e.g. CIV/MIL, location etc.).
The F-105 was used for Battle Damage Repair Training and was parked on the 334 Squadron dispersals for a couple of months. Since I was doing my conscript period for the Air Force (dienstplicht) that time it was easy to take the shot. When you stood on the hill on the Tammer erea (behind the BP gas station) you could also see it head on. I have no clue where the Chief is now.
Lieuwe wrote:Would any of you guys have scanned slides of a large enough resolution the read the crewnames on those F-4G and E's? I'd like to do profile drawings of them
I climbed in a tree. Not the most stabile platform on earth, especially when the Eagles turned up their throttle! See below "Goed vasthouden aan die boom!".
SquAdmin wrote:@68-0037UH: the pictures you posted are only visible for people who have logged in to All other people (like me) will only see banners. Read the "Read before posting topic" to learn more.
Exactly. You will also read there that this forum is NOT for linking to Anet or other photo sites...
In 1988 a lot of the flying aircraft of the Open Dag at Deelen were based at Soesterberg. Among them also the Patrouille de Suisse with their Hunters. Then still without the specially painted undersides.
warthog64 wrote:and the last of today, an 'ZR' RF-4C, those day's pretty rare.
I guess everybody is looking more at the pictures than at the text. But me thinks this is actually an 'AR' Phantom Nevertheless, quite impresseve, especially in these colours!
Just before the Lightnings were taken out of service the 32nd TFS had a rotation with the Lightnings of no.11 Squadron. It was a great sight to see these fighters going up against the F-15 and from what I have heard the old Lightning was tough to beat in a dogfight. It was very cold along the fence but fortunately the mission length was only 30 minutes
Among them also the Patrouille de Suisse with their Hunters.
Aaah the 88 Open Day´s. Remember that one well. Was one of my first as a kid. It felt like I had to walk a 100 km before we were near the planes and it rained a lot. Remember the Swiss Hunters very well. They sneaked up on the crowd from behind and began their demo. Nowadays unthinkable.
Oops there I go getting nostalgic again....sorry moderator....back to the photo´s.
I always say a boy can learn more at an airport than at any school.
- Homer J Simpson -