N120AK BD-700 GC Air LLc arr 16.14 from KSJC,returned there at 14.15/27th
N470QS G450 NetJets arr 16.38 from KLAX,dep 10.38/20th to KOAK
N506QS G550 NetJets arr 13.14 fron KSFO,dep 11.51/20th to KLGB
N514X Cessna 750 BTI Aviation LLc arr 14.27 from KSAN,retuned there at 09.09/27th
N722QS G200 NetJets arr 15.28 from KBFI,dep 07.45/21st to KSFO
N232QS Falcon 2000EX NetJets arr 18.02 from KSNA,dep 08.38/23rd to KBFI
N282Q G550 GE Management Co LLc arr 17.55 from KBFI,dep 07.43/28th to KSAN
N324SM BD-700 Busujima Trust arr 12.21 from RJTT,dep 09.18/01st Dec to PGUM
N400FJ G-IV arr 18.48 from KSNA,dep 09.33/27th to KLGB