ZH842/CU88 Merlin HM1 829Sqd. ‘Navy 500’
177702 CC177 429Sqd. ‘CFC4016’ (westbound, til 17/6)
40187 KC10A 60/349AMW ‘RCH346’ (westbound, til 17/6)
ZG848 IslanderAL1 651Sqd. ‘AAC502’
ZG995 Defender AL1 651Sqd. ‘AAC588’
KC-3804 CC130J-30 Indian AF/77Sqd. ‘IFC3411’ (eastbound, til 19/6?)
KC-3805 CC130J-30 Indian AF/77Sqd. ‘IFC3511’ (eastbound, til 19/6?)
Algerian AW101s dept South today, following a week of local sorties.
The Indian Hercs departed early Sunday for Pratica Di Mare, same c/signs, as arrival.
Only other thing today ZH002 651Sqd. Defender, two training sorties over from Aldergrove, one AM, one PM, c/s AAC588 on both flights.
15003 CC150 437Sqd. ‘CFC4152’ (eastbound, fuel stop)
ZH887 Hercules C5 24/30Sqd. ‘Ascot 5923’
60079 C12J E/52 Avn. ‘Duke 30’ (westbound, fuel stop, in from Stuttgart, and continued to Iceland-re-assigned CONUS, or for rework???)