83-1212 MC-130H 1 SOS,353 SOG Bird 11 from YSRI,dep to RODN can be expected on the 24th.
160049 -049 C-9B VR-52 CNV7882 from YPDN
167927 QD-927 KC-130J VMGR-152 Sumo 41/flt from Japan(Kadena) with 1 other KC-130(168065)? and 4x AV-8B
168066 QD-066 KC-130J VMGR-152 Sumo 85 from(ROTM)?
168066 QD-066 KC-130J VMGR-152 Sumo 85 arr from YBTL
VP-40 P-3C 158224 calling VVQE610 departed to Kadena(RODN) to join the VP- Det there.This airplane was with the previous VP- Det at Kadena with VP-4,and in their full markings,so the appearance of this airplane with a new unit on det so soon after returning to the States is a little surprising.
75-1076 C-130H JASDF,401 Hikotal JAF611 arr from PWAK
75-1078 C-130H JASDF,401 Hikotai JAF612 arr from PWAK
85-1079 C-130H JASDF,401 Hikota JAF613 arr from PWAK
00-0174 AK wt C-17A AFRC,517 AS Trek 502 arr from PAED,dep to YAMB 28th
? C-17A Trek 514 salcal CQDJ 4 possible serials for this filght,93-0602,99-0168,03-3118 or 06-6168.Prime candidate is 99-0168.
168075 QD-075 KC-130J VMGR-152 Sumo 86 arr from ROTM,dep to YBTL
83-0075 wt KC-10A 60 AMW RCH3075 from PHIK
99-0167 AK wt C-17A AFRC,517 AS RCH9167 dep to RJTY 06th
99-0170 AK wt C-17A AFRC,517 AS Trek 509 arr from YPDN
05-5146 HH or/y C-17A 535 AS,HI ANG Trek 516 arr from YPDN
58-0088 KC-135R Texco 88 local mission refeulling B-52Hs
166376 C-37B VR-1 VV100 from PHIK,to RPLL 06th
Last edited by Le Addeur noir on 06 Aug 2011, 19:36, edited 1 time in total.