Helemaal mee eens, waar ligt dan de grens? De grens ligt bij het veroorzaken van ergernis. Lees het topic door en bepaal dan voor jezelf of dat zo is. Er was iemand op een mailinglist (ja, ik gebruik ze nog steeds) die een hele tijd ADSB-logs postte. Het posten van een ADSB log is in mijn ogen prim...
You might want to refrain from becoming an air crash investigator The tailboom has rotated through 180 degrees and both the bottom part of the fenestron and the skids have sheared off the airframe. Total write off.
Zonan wrote: ↑08 Nov 2024, 00:11
Looking at adsb records the most likely candidate would be T-367, although T-355 was also in the area around the same time.
No pictures or post have popped up yet confirming it as far as I can find
T-355 was active on the 7th, so should not be a candidate.
The helicopter crashed roughly 600m NW of Alpnach's runway 19, right next to the Pilatus Bahn railroad leading up the mountain. The roads you see are highway 8 and the Brunigerstrasse. Lake is the Alpnacher See.
Additions/corrections: Static: 347 P2002JF 360MEA, in open shelter Flying: 328/4-IC Rafale B EC01.004, was the third FAF Rafale present 8022 Eurofighter 80sqn/RSAF, serial was confirmed at the Egypt Airshow the week before Stored: 201, 202 Mirage 2000BG, among the other single seat Mirages in the st...
Exercise name will be Frisian/Ramstein Flag 25 and main base will be Leeuwarden, with participants also operating from bases in three other countries. Exercise is being planned so things are still 'fluid' at the moment....
Weet iemand welke KLu Hercules er gisteren aan de noord-west kant van het veld geparkeerd stond? En heeft iemand qua nummers überhaupt nog iets kunnen maken van de avondmissie? Ik weet het… het is een longshot, zo in het donker. G-781 F-016, F-017, F-020, F-024, F-028, F-029, F-033, F-036, F-038 55...
What does morning mission mean? 2x F-4E had T.O. 9:00 and landing around 9:45 during Check in. When was flying the Rafale on Gripen in the Morning? In RF Mission from 13:30 was Not 22-5684, 20-5596 was in the Mission, the same for the Rafale 152/30-VE was not the Mission it was 366/30-SO with it. M...