After a long time of COVID we finally were able to find some time for our hobby again.
After Europe, also the United States was re-opened. So after 6 years we headed back again to this “Spotters Heaven”
This is what we saw during our 2,5 week TRIP to both East and west coast.
Serials between brackets have not been read by us but taken from other sources and need confirmation.
NELLIS AFB, NV 09-05-2022
78-0671 A-10C USAF 66th WPS
78-0709/WA A-10C USAF 66th WPS
78-0721/WA A-10A USAF i/a
79-0186/WA A-10C USAF 66th WPS
79-0204/WA A-10C USAF 66th WPS
80-0176/WA A-10C USAF 66th WPS
80-0185/WA A-10C USAF 66th WPS "COM 53th WG"
81-0991/WA A-10C USAF 66th WPS
83-1159/WA-59 F-16C USAF 64th AGRS
84-1220/WA-20 F-16C USAF 64th AGRS "COM 57th OG"
84-1236/WA-36 F-16C USAF 64th AGRS
84-1301/WA-01 F-16C USAF 64th AGRS
85-1418/WA-18 F-16C USAF 64th AGRS
86-0220/WA-20 F-16C USAF 64th AGRS
86-0251/WA-51 F-16C USAF 64th AGRS "COM 926th OG"
86-0271/WA-71 F-16C USAF 64th AGRS
86-0273/WA-73 F-16C USAF 64th AGRS
86-0283/WA-83 F-16C USAF 64th AGRS
86-0291/WA-91 F-16C USAF 64th AGRS
86-0299/WA-99 F-16C USAF 64th AGRS
87-0313/WA F-16C USAF 64th AGRS
87-0321/WA-21 F-16C USAF 64th AGRS
89-2048/WA-48 F-16C USAF 64th AGRS
90-0707/WA F-16C USAF 16th WPS
90-0750/WA F-16C USAF 16th WPS
90-0705/WA F-16C USAF 16th WPS
90-0747/WA F-16C USAF 16th WPS
90-0746/WA F-16C USAF 16th WPS
90-0739/WA F-16C USAF 16th WPS
90-0729/WA F-16C USAF 16th WPS
89-2119/WA F-16C USAF 16th WPS
89-2072/WA F-16C USAF 16th WPS
89-2067/WA F-16C USAF 16th WPS
89-2065/WA F-16C USAF 16th WPS
88-0533/WA F-16C USAF 16th WPS
88-0486/WA F-16C USAF 16th WPS "COM 57th OG"
89-2083/WA F-16C USAF 16th WPS
91-0374/WA F-16C USAF 16th WPS
89-2124 F-16C USAF 16th WPS 175th FS marks
88-0467 F-16C USAF 16th WPS 175th FS marks
99-4011/WA F-22A USAF 433rd WPS
05-4096/WA F-22A USAF 433rd WPS "COM USAF WS''
06-4116/WA F-22A USAF 433rd WPS "COM 433rd WPS"
15-5119/WA F-35A USAF 6th WPS
15-5130/WA F-35A USAF 6th WPS
15-5132/WA F-35A USAF 6th WPS
15-5138/WA F-35A USAF 6th WPS
15-5141/WA F-35A USAF 6th WPS
15-5142/WA F-35A USAF 6th WPS
15-5160/WA F-35A USAF 6th WPS
15-5167/WA F-35A USAF 6th WPS
15-5168/WA F-35A USAF 6th WPS
17-5246/WA F-35A USAF 6th WPS "COM 6th WPS"
17-5248/WA F-35A USAF 6th WPS
17-5272/WA F-35A USAF 6th WPS
17-5274/WA F-35A USAF 6th WPS
17-5275/WA F-35A USAF 6th WPS
17-5283/WA F-35A USAF 6th WPS
18-5342/WA F-35A USAF 6th WPS
18-5348/WA F-35A USAF 6th WPS
18-5353/WA F-35A USAF 6th WPS
18-5374/WA F-35A USAF 6th WPS
18-5447/WA F-35A USAF 6th WPS
19-5487/WA F-35A USAF 6th WPS
19-5489/WA F-35A USAF 6th WPS
19-5497/WA F-35A USAF 6th WPS
83-0050/WA F-15D USAF 433rd WPS
84-0024/WA F-15C USAF 433rd WPS
90-0239/WA F-15E USAF 17th WPS
90-0251/WA F-15E USAF 17th WPS
90-0257/WA F-15E USAF 17th WPS "COM 57th WPSS"
90-0260/WA F-15E USAF 17th WPS
90-0261/WA F-15E USAF 17th WPS "COM 17th WPS"
90-0262/WA F-15E USAF 17th WPS
91-0328/WA F-15E USAF 17th WPS
87-0362/OT F-16C USAF 422nd TES
88-0420/OT F-16C USAF 422nd TES
88-0499/OT F-16C USAF 422nd TES
90-0721/OT F-16C USAF 422nd TES
90-0740/OT F-16C USAF 422nd TES
90-0757/OT F-16C USAF 422nd TES
90-0809/OT F-16C USAF 422nd TES
90-0826/OT F-16C USAF 422nd TES misread??
91-0404/OT F-16C USAF 422nd TES
92-3926/OT F-16D USAF 422nd TES
79-0169/OT A-10C USAF 422nd TES
79-0171/OT A-10C USAF 422nd TES
79-0199/OT A-10C USAF 422nd TES
80-0242/OT A-10C USAF 422nd TES
82-0658/OT A-10C USAF 422nd TES
90-0258/OT F-15E USAF 422nd TES
91-0322/OT F-15E USAF 422nd TES
92-0365/OT F-15E USAF 422nd TES
13-5073/OT F-35A USAF 422nd TES
15-5118/OT F-35A USAF 422nd TES
17-5244/OT F-35A USAF 422nd TES
18-5448/OT F-35A USAF 422nd TES
19-5472/OT F-35A USAF 422nd TES
04-4065 F-22A USAF 422nd TES CHROME C/S
04-4068/OT F-22A USAF 422nd TES
04-4069/OT F-22A USAF 422nd TES "COM USAF WC''
04-4070 F-22A USAF 422nd TES CHROME C/S
04-4072/OT F-22A USAF 422nd TES
04-4073/OT F-22A USAF 422nd TES
06-4124/OT F-22A USAF 422nd TES
06-4128/OT F-22A USAF 422nd TES
(92-3880)/1 F-16C USAF FDS
(92-3888)/2 F-16C USAF FDS
(91-0362)/3 F-16C USAF FDS
(92-3882)/4 F-16C USAF FDS
(91-0392)/5 F-16C USAF FDS
(92-3886)/6 F-16C USAF FDS
(91-0467)/8 F-16D USAF FDS
N564EM Mirage F-1M Draken Int. Ex EdA C.14-43
N572EM Mirage F-1M Draken Int. Ex EdA C.14-67
N574EM Mirage F-1M Draken Int. Ex EdA C.14-70
N576EM Mirage F-1M Draken Int. Ex EdA C.14-73
N256EM L-159A Draken Int. Ex Czech 6036
N273EM L-159A Draken Int. Ex Czech 6021
(87)-26010 HH-60G USAF 66th RQS
(92)-26465 HH-60G USAF 66th RQS
(90)-26310 HH-60G USAF 66th RQS
(97)-26779/FT HH-60G USAF 66th RQS
(97)-26775/FT HH-60G USAF 66th RQS
(88)-26106 HH-60G USAF 66th RQS
(05)-27046/OT HH-60G USAF 422nd TES
(14)-14480 HH-60W USAF 422nd TES
(14)-14481/OT HH-60W USAF 422nd TES
06-4118/AK F-22A USAF 525th FS
06-4129/AK F-22A USAF 525th FS
87-0123 KC-10A USAF 60th AMW
(88)-26108 HH-60G USAF 101st RQS
(88)-26120/DM HH-60G USAF 55th RQS
(89)-26208/AV HH-60G USAF 56th RQS
A35-004/04 F-35A RAAF 2 OCU
A35-009/09 F-35A RAAF 3 Sqn
A35-010/10 F-35A RAAF 3 Sqn
A35-016/16 F-35A RAAF 3 Sqn
A35-030/30 F-35A RAAF 2 OCU
A35-040/40 F-35A RAAF 77 Sqn
A35-043/43 F-35A RAAF nn
A35-049/49 F-35A RAAF nn
A35-050/50 F-35A RAAF 77 Sqn
A30-004/04 E-7A RAAF 2 Sqn
N847TA F-16B Top Aces Ex IDF 017
N856TA F-16A Top Aces Ex IDF 233
N857TA F-16A Top Aces Ex IDF 220
N858TA F-16A Top Aces Ex IDF 260
N860TA F-16A Top Aces Ex IDF 250
N865TA F-16A Top Aces Ex IDF 285
80-0137/OK E-3B USAF 552nd ACW
06-6160 C-17A USAF 60th AMW
08-5724 C-130J-30 USAF 39th AS
09-5707/DM HC-130J USAF 79th RQS
09-5708/FT HC-130J USAF 79th RQS
13-5790/FT HC-130J USAF 71st RQS
73-1583/DM EC-130H USAF 55th ECG
164955/WT-21 F/A-18D USMC VMFA-232
165411/WT-24 F/A-18C USMC VMFA-232
165408/WT-03 F/A-18C USMC VMFA-232
165733/WT-02 F/A-18C USMC VMFA-232
169230/QB-230 KC-130J USMC VMGR-352
167108/QB-108 KC-130J USMC VMGR-352
?? F-35C USMC VMFA-314
?? F-35C USMC VMFA-314
Spotting at Nellis is always a good time. But this time it was not what we expected. Black Flag as well as Neptune Falcon just ended the day before we arrived.This resulted in some nice birds left already, like AK F-22’s, KC A-10’s and some Growlers. Nevertheless the Aussies were very nice, even as they didn’t fly.Weather was good but very windy, we even had a dust storm. Reading numbers with a tri-pod is a hell with heavy winds.The two ex Lobos F-16’s were still flying in their old marks and belonging to the 16th WPS.
Just after dark 2 x F-35 arrived, any help with those is very welcome.
102/N400WP L-29 ex Bulg AF private
LAS VEGAS TOWN, NV 10-05-2022
79-0426/SH F-16B ex USAF pres
(70-15208)/N381WC OH-58C ex USAR pres
54-3037 CH-34C ex USAR pres
68-15084 AH-1F ex USAR pres
(157826) TH-1L ex USN pres marked 66654
65-0941/ED RF-4C ex USAF pres
66-0384/ED RF-4C ex USAF pres
66-15350 AH-1F ex USAR pres/gate
MCAS YUMA, AZ 10-05-2022
168897/CE-05 F-35B USMC VMFA-225
169919/CE-01 F-35B USMC VMFA-225
761586/LS-00 F-5F USMC VMFT-401
168214/MV-00 MV-22B USMC VMX-1 CAG
168351/MV-04 MV-22B USMC VMX-1
169246/(MV-32) UH-1Y USMC VMX-1
169247/(MV-30) UH-1Y USMC VMX-1
166761/MV-43 AH-1Z USMC VMX-1
168516/MV-45 AH-1Z USMC VMX-1
165948/GX-10 MV-22B USMC VMMT-204 rotorless
N358FS Strikemaster MK.88 Blue Air ex RNZAF NZ6361
N187BA Strikemaster MK.88 Blue Air ex RNZAF NZ6370
N556A Jet Provost MK.5A Blue Air ex RAF XW429
Yuma is always frustrating to me. Never ever had here some good flying. Only 4 aircraft during a whole afternoon.
NAF EL CENTRO, CA 10-05-2022
168303/ (YS-19) MV-22B USMC VMM-162
(ZA713) Chinook HC.6A RAF Odiham Wing
Also El Centro was almost empty and frustrating. Very strong winds and dust storms even made reading very hard.
162483/YJ-483 CH-53E USMC HMH-465
163083/YJ-083 CH-53E USMC HMH-465
164360/YJ-360 CH-53E USMC HMH-465
During the first visit over here nothing was seen. But after arriving in our hotel, just 5 minutes down the road, a nice 3 ship came overhead.
So a quick scramble back resulted in those nice 3 birds from MCAS Miramar.
MCAS YUMA, AZ 11-05-2022
761541/LS-03 F-5N USMC VMFT-401 ADSBAE61E6
761586/LS-00 F-5F USMC VMFT-401
168214/MV-00 MV-22B USMC VMX-1 CAG
168351/MV-04 MV-22B USMC VMX-1
169246/(MV-32) UH-1Y USMC VMX-1
169247/(MV-30) UH-1Y USMC VMX-1
166761/MV-43 AH-1Z USMC VMX-1
168516/MV-45 AH-1Z USMC VMX-1
165948/GX-10 MV-22B USMC VMMT-204 rotorless
169319 UC-12W USMC H&HS Camp Pend.
160472/SH-472 T-34C USMC VMFAT-101
Just like the day before, very low flying. Some nice visitors.
Around noon we continued to the Phoenix area, which is always good.
GILA BEND MAP, AZ 11-05-2022
56-0112 RF-101C ex USAF pres
56-0130 RF-101C ex USAF pres
LUKE AFB, AZ 11 + 12-05-2022
83-1158/LF F-16C USAF 309th FS
83-1160/LF F-16C USAF 309th FS
83-1182/LF F-16D USAF 309th FS
83-1184/LF F-16D USAF 309th FS
83-1185/LF F-16D USAF 309th FS
84-1284/LF F-16C USAF 309th FS
(84-1294)/LF F-16C USAF 309th FS 'COM 309th FS"
84-1302/LF F-16C USAF 309th FS
84-1308/LF F-16C USAF 309th FS
84-1318/LF F-16C USAF 309th FS
84-1324/LF F-16D USAF 309th FS
84-1327/LF F-16D USAF 309th FS
84-1382/LF F-16C USAF 309th FS
84-1387/LF F-16C USAF 309th FS
85-1407/LF F-16C USAF 309th FS
85-1439/LF F-16C USAF 309th FS
85-1507/LF F-16D USAF 309th FS
85-1512/LF F-16D USAF 309th FS
87-0360/LF F-16D USAF 310th FS "COM 944th OG"
88-0175/LF F-16D USAF 310th FS
88-0493/LF F-16C USAF 310th FS
88-0505/LF F-16C USAF 310th FS
88-0508/LF F-16C USAF 310th FS
89-2056/LF F-16C USAF 310th FS "COM 56th FW''
89-2120/LF F-16C USAF 310th FS
89-2158/LF F-16D USAF 310th FS
89-2161/LF F-16D USAF 310th FS
89-2162/LF F-16D USAF 310th FS
89-2164/LF F-16D USAF 310th FS
90-0759/LF F-16C USAF 310th FS
90-0762/LF F-16C USAF 310th FS
90-0787/LF F-16D USAF 310th FS
90-0793/LF F-16D USAF 310th FS
94-0273/LF F-16C RSAF 425th FS
94-0282/LF F-16D RSAF 425th FS Spec. marks
97-0120/LF F-16C RSAF 425th FS
97-0121/LF F-16C RSAF 425th FS
97-0112/LF F-16C RSAF 425th FS only 112 on tail
672 F-16D RSAF 425th FS
675 F-16D RSAF 425th FS
93-0703 F-16V-A ROCAF 21th FS
93-0770 F-16V-A ROCAF 21th FS
93-0771 F-16V-A ROCAF 21th FS
93-0780 F-16V-A ROCAF 21th FS
93-0791 F-16V-A ROCAF 21th FS
93-0817 F-16V-A ROCAF 21th FS
93-0825 F-16V-B ROCAF 21th FS
93-0828 F-16V-B ROCAF 21th FS
5087 F-35A KNL 62nd FS
5147 F-35A KNL 62nd FS
5290 F-35A KNL 62nd FS
5291 F-35A KNL 62nd FS
F-002 F-35A KLU 308th FS
F-005 F-35A KLU 308th FS
F-006 F-35A KLU 308th FS
F-008 F-35A KLU 308th FS
L-001 F-35A RDAF 308th FS
L-002 F-35A RDAF 308th FS
L-003 F-35A RDAF 308th FS
L-004 F-35A RDAF 308th FS
09-5004/LF F-35A USAF (62nd FS)
09-5005/LF F-35A USAF (61st FS)
10-5010/LF F-35A USAF (61st FS)
10-5011/LF F-35A USAF (61st FS)
11-5031/LF F-35A USAF (63rd FS)
11-5036/LF F-35A USAF (61st FS)
11-5038/LF F-35A USAF (63rd FS)
11-5040/LF F-35A USAF (61st FS)
11-5063/LF F-35A USAF (63rd FS)
12-5045/LF F-35A USAF 308th FS
12-5050/LF F-35A USAF (62nd FS)
12-5055/LF F-35A USAF (61st FS)
13-5068/LF F-35A USAF 62nd FS "COM 62nd FS"
13-5070/LF F-35A USAF (308th FS)
13-5072/LF F-35A USAF (308th FS)
13-5077/LF F-35A USAF 308th FS
13-5078/LF F-35A USAF (62nd FS)
13-5078/LF F-35A USAF (62nd FS)
13-5079/LF F-35A USAF 63rd FS
13-5080/LF F-35A USAF (62nd FS)
13-5081/LF F-35A USAF 308th FS
13-5082/LF F-35A USAF (308th FS)
14-5091/LF F-35A USAF (63rd FS)
14-5093/LF F-35A USAF (61st FS)
14-5094/LF F-35A USAF (61st FS)
14-5095/LF F-35A USAF (62nd FS)
14-5103/LF F-35A USAF (62nd FS)
14-5104/- F-35A USAF (63rd FS)
14-5123/LF F-35A USAF (63rd FS)
15-5120/LF F-35A USAF 63rd FS "COM 63rd FS"
15-5129/LF F-35A USAF (63rd FS)
15-5136/HL F-35A USAF (62nd FS)
15-5161/LF F-35A USAF 61st FS "COM 61st FS"
15-5164/LF F-35A USAF (63rd FS)
15-5179/LF F-35A USAF (63rd FS)
15-5182/LF F-35A USAF (62nd FS)
15-5185/LF F-35A USAF (63rd FS)
15-5189/LF F-35A USAF 308th FS "COM 308th FS"
15-5198/LF F-35A USAF (63rd FS)
18-5414/LF F-35A USAF 308th FS
18-5418/LF F-35A USAF (61st FS)
18-5419/LF F-35A USAF 308th FS
N617AX Mirage F-1CR ATAC ex FAF 620
N619AX Mirage F-1CR ATAC ex FAF 622
N623AX Mirage F-1CR ATAC ex FAF 632
N644AX Mirage F-1CT ATAC ex FAF 280
Visit 12-5:
80-0137/OK E-3B USAF 552nd ACW
80-0005 F-15C USAF 114th FS
80-0049 F-15C USAF 114th FS
For me it was the first time at Luke AFB with F-35’s based. But nothing changed with the past. Flying is very good with a lot off sorties.
Still frustrating as they changed runways all the time, from the right to the left. Nevertheless a great place with the final class flying with 309th FS.No idea or it will be the end off the F-16’s at this place. The two Klamath Falls Eagles were a very nice bonus again.
Reading under the sheds is much harder nowadays, with the very small F-35 numbers and a lot of sand roads off limits.
Some of the F-35 wear very small Squadron marks in the top of their tail. To bad the ROCAF didn't fly. It seems that they call their Vipers F-16V nowadays with no difference between single and dual?
55-3818 F-86F ex USAF pres/gate
57-1469 KC-135R USAF 197th ARS
62-3500 KC-135R USAF 197th ARS
62-3516 KC-135R USAF 197th ARS
62-3550 KC-135R USAF 197th ARS
PAPAGO AAF, AZ 12-05-22
81-0721/AZ F-16A ex USAF pres/gate
74-1741/AZ A-7D ex USAF pres/gate
(19)-21050 UH-60M USAR A/2-285thAVN last 3 white
(19)-21058 UH-60M USAR A/2-285thAVN last 3 white
(19)-21094 UH-60M USAR A/2-285thAVN last 3 white
(20)-21138 UH-60M USAR A/2-285thAVN last 3 white
Papago has a new F-16 at the gate with the famous rock behind it. A short stop over here brought us some new numbers.
No flying was noted.
ZM717 Apache AH.2 for AAC Boeing
ZM721 Apache AH.2 for AAC Boeing
ZM722 Apache AH.2 for AAC Boeing
10126 AH-64E for Saudi Arabia Boeing
10127 AH-64E for Saudi Arabia Boeing
10128 AH-64E for Saudi Arabia Boeing
10129 AH-64E for Saudi Arabia Boeing
10131 AH-64E for Saudi Arabia Boeing
101(5)2 AH-64E for Saudi Arabia Boeing misread for 10132?
21-03396 AH-64E for USAR Boeing
21-03399 AH-64E for USAR Boeing
21-03400 AH-64E for USAR Boeing
21-03402 AH-64E for USAR Boeing
21-03406 AH-64E for USAR Boeing
21-03407 AH-64E for USAR Boeing
The Apache factory over here is always good for some exotic birds. This time we were very lucky with the Saudi Arabia National Guard AH-64E’s.
Any confirmation for the 152 is more than welcome. Locals don’t like you to watch, so be quick.
TUCSON IAP, AZ 13-05-2022
51-3278 F-86F ex USAF pres/gate
52-8973 F-84F ex USAF pres/gate
56-1134 F-102A ex USAF pres/gate
56-3055 F-100D ex USAF pres/gate
75-0394/AZ A-7D ex USAF pres/gate
78-0005/AZ F-16A ex USAF pres/gate
83-1174/AZ F-16D USAF 195th FS
83-1175/AZ F-16D USAF 195th FS
83-1180/AZ F-16D USAF 195th FS
83-1183/AZ F-16D USAF 195th FS
84-1322/AZ F-16D USAF 195th FS
84-1325/AZ F-16D USAF 195th FS
84-1326/AZ F-16D USAF 195th FS
84-1514/AZ F-16D USAF 195th FS
86-0210/AZ F-16C USAF 195th FS
86-0215/AZ F-16C USAF 195th FS
86-0218/AZ F-16C USAF 195th FS
86-0238/AZ F-16C USAF 195th FS
86-0252/AZ F-16C USAF 195th FS
86-0256/AZ F-16C USAF 195th FS
86-0279/AZ F-16C USAF 195th FS
86-0292/AZ F-16C USAF 195th FS
87-0293/AZ F-16C USAF 195th FS
87-0297/AZ F-16C USAF 195th FS
87-0299/AZ F-16C USAF 195th FS
87-0301/AZ F-16C USAF 195th FS
87-0311/AZ F-16C USAF 195th FS
87-0333/AZ F-16C USAF 195th FS "warhawks"
88-0156/AZ F-16D USAF 152nd FS
88-0173/AZ F-16D USAF 152nd FS
88-0427/AZ F-16C USAF 152nd FS
88-0469/AZ F-16C USAF 152nd FS
88-0520/AZ F-16C USAF 152nd FS "COM 162nd WG"
89-2002/AZ F-16C USAF 152nd FS
89-2123/AZ F-16C USAF 152nd FS
89-2135/AZ F-16C USAF 152nd FS
89-2155/AZ F-16D USAF 152nd FS
89-2163/AZ F-16D USAF 152nd FS
90-0715/AZ F-16C USAF 152nd FS
90-0716/AZ F-16C USAF 152nd FS
90-0720/AZ F-16C USAF 152nd FS
90-0741/AZ F-16C USAF 152nd FS
90-0785/AZ F-16D USAF 152nd FS
90-0790/AZ F-16D USAF 152nd FS
86-0212/AT F-16C USAF AATC
86-0240/AT F-16C USAF AATC
86-0241/AT F-16C USAF AATC
87-0381/AT F-16D USAF AATC
88-0530/AT F-16C USAF AATC
J-004/AZ F-16AM KLU 148th FS
J-010/AZ F-16AM KLU 148th FS "COM 148th FS"
J-018/AZ F-16AM KLU 148th FS
J-019/AZ F-16AM KLU 148th FS
J-067/AZ F-16BM KLU 148th FS
J-210/AZ F-16BM KLU 148th FS
J-366/AZ F-16AM KLU 148th FS
J-369/AZ F-16BM KLU 148th FS
J-882/AZ F-16BM KLU 148th FS
(94-0)262 RC-26D USAF 214th RS
87-0275/WI F-16C USAF 176th FS
87-0367/FM F-16D USAF 93rd FS
86-0363/CO F-16C USAF 120th FS
86-0355/AC F-16C USAF 119th FS
86-0043/AC F-16D USAF 119th FS
87-0365/SA F-16D USAF 182nd FS
(13)-72277 UH-72A USAR 1-376th AVN
(14)-72310 UH-72A USAR 1-376th AVN
165640/B-286 T-45C USN TAW-2
160084/G-084 T-6B USN TAW-4
160085/G-085 T-6B USN TAW-4
Our next stop was Tucson IAP, which is again a great place for number crunchers and F-16 lovers. Unfortunately for Fred the Dutch vipers were not flying as they just returned from NAS Key West.
Flying of the ANG was very good, with even a UTA weekend.
The UH-72 are based over here and living in the first small hanger at South Plumer Ave. Anyone have more info about this? A new unit?
Some sources say the different ANG F-16’s were here for a kind of training? But that long? My opinion is they are replacing the F-16’s which recently left the unit for NAS Fallon?
They were flown by local AZ ANG pilots as well.
65-0967/DM EC-130H USAF 55th ECG
73-1581/DM EC-130H USAF 55th ECG
73-1583/DM EC-130H USAF 55th ECG
73-1584/DM EC-130H USAF 55th ECG
73-1586/DM EC-130H USAF 55th ECG
73-1587/DM EC-130H USAF 55th ECG
73-1590/DM EC-130H USAF 55th ECG
73-1594/DM EC-130H USAF 55th ECG
09-5707/DM HC-130J USAF 79th RQS
11-5719/DM HC-130J USAF 79th RQS
13-5782/DM HC-130J USAF 79th RQS
78-0706 A-10C USAF nmks
81-0960 A-10C USAF nmks
79-0094/DP A-10C USAF 47th FS
79-0148/DP A-10C USAF 47th FS
79-0150/DP A-10C USAF 47th FS
79-0197/DP A-10C USAF 47th FS
80-0278/DP A-10C USAF 47th FS
81-0939/DP A-10C USAF 47th FS
81-0997/DP A-10C USAF 47th FS
82-0663/DP A-10C USAF 47th FS
78-0652/DM A-10C USAF 354th FS
81-0941/DM A-10C USAF 354th FS
81-0985/DM A-10C USAF 354th FS
79-0209/DM A-10C USAF 357th FS
(89)-26198 HH-60G USAF 55th RQS
(97)-26773 HH-60G USAF 55th RQS
78-23010 UH-60A US CBP
703 Mi-17V-5 Afghan AF for Ukraine AF
716 Mi-17V-5 Afghan AF for Ukraine AF
735 Mi-17V-5 Afghan AF for Ukraine AF
739 Mi-17V-5 Afghan AF for Ukraine AF
754 Mi-17V-5 Afghan AF for Ukraine AF
760 Mi-17V-5 Afghan AF for Ukraine AF
80-0213/MI A-10C USAF 107th FS
80-0221/MI A-10C USAF 107th FS
80-0222/MI A-10C USAF 107th FS
80-0224/MI A-10C USAF 107th FS
80-0255/MI A-10C USAF 107th FS
80-0258/MI A-10C USAF 107th FS
80-0265/MI A-10C USAF 107th FS "COM107thFS"
81-0975/MI A-10C USAF 107th FS
81-0996/MI A-10C USAF 107th FS
81-0998/MI A-10C USAF 107th FS
11-5727/FT HC-130J USAF 71st RQS
11-5725/FT HC-130J USAF 71st RQS
10-00258 C-12V-1 USAR 2-228th AVN
10-00261 C-12V-1 USAR 2-228th AVN
FAC1262 CN-235-100M FAC ESDEF-114
FAC4137 MH-60L FAC ESCOE-512
FAC4138 MH-60L FAC ESCOE-512
00-0182 C-17A USAF 167th AS
63-8035 KC-135R USAF 106th ARS
63-8014 KC-135R USAF 92nd ARW
63-8888 KC-135R USAF 92nd ARW
8 x AH-64D USAR nn
The afternoon was spend at DM. Flying was not that good this afternoon and stopped at 15:00.
DM is always good for some nice visitors or A-10 using the ranges like the MI this time.
Absolute highlights were the Columbians which were involved in an exercise. Probably with the USAR helicopters. Any help with them?
The Afghan helicopters are being prepared for delivery to Ukraine.
The nice C-12’s are flying intel missions and border patrol missions from here.
(68)-17104 AH-1F ex USAR pres
RYAN FIELD RAP, AZ 14-05-2022
N383CM CM-170R stored ex FAF 383
From Ryan field we had our flight overhead AMARG. To bad the altitude limits have been increased recently, which was really a big difference compared with our last flight 10 years ago.
Even with 400MM it was not a success anymore for decent pictures. Of course the experience is great.
70-15143 OH-58A ex USAR pres/gate
67-15471 AH-1S ex USAR pres/gate
66-15255 AH-1F ex USAR pres/gate
(19)-21048 UH-60M USAR B/2-285thAVN AZ flag/ last 3 white
(19)-21051 UH-60M USAR B/2-285thAVN AZ flag/ last 3 white
(19)-21055 UH-60M USAR B/2-285thAVN last 3 white on nose and tail
(19)-21094 UH-60M USAR B/2-285thAVN last 3 white on nose and tail
(19)-21100 UH-60M USAR B/2-285thAVN last 3 white on nose and tail
(20)-21110 UH-60M USAR B/2-285thAVN last 3 white on nose and tail
(20)-21117 UH-60M USAR B/2-285thAVN last 3 white on nose and tail
(20)-21139 UH-60M USAR B/2-285thAVN last 3 white on nose and tail
(20)-21141 UH-60M USAR B/2-285thAVN last 3 white on nose and tail
(81)-23591 UH-60A USAR B/2-285thAVN AZ flag/ last 3 white
(85)-24387 UH-60A USAR B/2-285thAVN AZ flag/ last 3 white
(77)-22720 UH-60A USAR WAATS last 3 white on nose and tail
(84)-23980 UH-60A USAR WAATS last 3 white on nose and tail
(87)-24647 UH-60A USAR WAATS last 3 white on nose and tail
(87)-24609 UH-60A USAR WAATS last 3 white on nose and tail
(85)-24407 UH-60A USAR WAATS last 3 white on nose and tail
(84)-23973 UH-60A USAR WAATS last 3 white on nose and tail
(87)-24649 UH-60A USAR WAATS last 3 white on nose and tail
(87)-24633 UH-60A USAR WAATS last 3 white on nose and tail
(83)-23886 UH-60A USAR WAATS last 3 white on nose, tail/intake
(85)-24443 UH-60A USAR WAATS last 3 white on nose and tail
(90)-26313 UH-60L USAR WAATS last 3 white on nose and tail
(94)-26578 UH-60L USAR WAATS last 3 white on nose and tail
(87)-24632 UH-60A USAR unit ?? Med Evac last 3 in white on tail
(88)-26040 UH-60A USAR unit ?? Med Evac last 3 in white on tail
(06)-27074 UH-60L USAR unit ?? Med Evac last 3 in white on tail
N302PT DHC-4A stored ex Kenya AF 205
After the AMARG over flight we headed to Marana for some low approaches which gave a great view on the army ramps.
In the past we saw a lot of AH-64, but they are gone nowadays. To bad all the UH-72 were inside. Any help with the Med Evacs? Are they also with WAATS?
66-0294 F-4E ex USAF pres FDS c/s
59-1600 QT-38A ex USAF pres "82nd FTW"
67-14923 T-38A USAF 2nd FTS
18-46051 KC-46A USAF 133rd ARS
Mesa was very quite this time, and also very hot. The talon was broken.
The rare (for Mesa) KC-46A spend several hours refuelling the AZ ANG vipers and landed here afterwards.
PAPAGO AAF, AZ 14-05-22
81-0721/AZ F-16A ex USAF pres/gate
74-1741/AZ A-7D ex USAF pres/gate
(19)-21050 UH-60M USAR A/2-285thAVN last 3 white
(19)-21058 UH-60M USAR A/2-285thAVN last 3 white
(19)-21094 UH-60M USAR A/2-285thAVN last 3 white
(20)-21136 UH-60M USAR A/2-285thAVN last 3 white
(84)-23974 UH-60A USAR A/2-285thAVN AZ flag/ last 3 white + Med Evac
(85)-24442 UH-60A USAR A/2-285thAVN AZ flag/ last 3 white
(88)-26081 UH-60A USAR A/2-285thAVN AZ flag/ last 3 white
55-3818 F-86F ex USAF pres/gate
57-1469 KC-135R USAF 197th ARS
59-1450 KC-135R USAF 197th ARS
61-0284 KC-135R USAF 197th ARS
62-3550 KC-135R USAF 197th ARS
84-00154 C-12U USAR Det.31 OSACOM
01-0194 C-17A USAF 445th AW
Our final hours of the trip were spent at Phoenix. With the C-12 being a very nice last plane of our trip.
We saw over 1800 aircraft in 2,5 weeks without AMARG, not a bad one after all.
Spotting in the USA is really great, resulting in big numbers, many variety and good photo opportunities.
But I also must say life over there did really become expensive, with some 50% higher than 6 years ago. At this moment 1 dollar is 1 euro..

Inflation is not only in Europe, to bad!
Till so far the final part. Hope you liked it?
Like always, please feel free for any questions, comments, corrections or additions.
Happy Spotting in the USA.
Gijs ten Velde
Fred Peursem