...the German Boeing CH-47F Chinooks, updates, etc...

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...the German Boeing CH-47F Chinooks, updates, etc...

Post by Stratofreighter »

...a readable webpage:
https://www.aerotime.aero/articles/us-a ... to-germany
In June 2022, Michael Hostetter, vice president of Boeing Defense, Space & Security in Germany,
said the first Chinook CH-47F heavy-lift helicopters
could be delivered as soon as 2026
if a contract was signed in early 2023.
Official per 11 May 2023:
https://www.dsca.mil/press-media/major- ... elicopters
WASHINGTON, May 11, 2023 - The State Department has made a determination approving
a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Germany
of CH-47F Chinook Helicopters,
and related equipment for an estimated cost of $8.5 billion.

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.

The Government of Germany has requested to buy sixty (60) CH-47F Block II Cargo Helicopters
with customer-unique modifications;

one hundred forty (140) T-55-GA-714A engines (120 installed, 20 spares);

seventy-two (72) AN/AAR-57 Common Missile Warning Systems (CMWS) (60 installed, 12 spares);

and two hundred eighty-four (284) AN/ARC-231A Communications Security (COMSEC) radios (240 installed, 44 spares).

Also included are
AN/AVR-2B Laser Detecting Sets;
AN/APR-39C(V)1 Radar Detecting Sets;
AN/ARC-220 High Frequency (HF) radios with electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM);

military Precise Positioning Service (PPS) (to include SAASM or M-Code);
Digital Advanced Flight Control Systems (DAFCS);
AN/APX-123A Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) transponder;

AN/ARN-147 very high frequency (VHS) omnidirectional range and instrument landing system (VOR/ILS);
AN/ARN-153 Tactical Air Navigation Systems (TACAN);
air data computers;

AN/APN-209 radar altimeter systems;
AN/PYQ-10 simple key loaders;
KIV-77 Mode 4/5 IFF Applique;
KY-100M narrowband/wideband terminal COMSEC devices;

AN/AVS-6 Night Vision Devices (NVD);
IDM-401 Improved Data Modem;
air-to-air refueling probes;
M134 gun mounts;

Infrared Suppression System (IRSS);
Engine Air Particle Separator (EAPS);
Ballistic Protection System (BPS) with Cockpit; cabin sides; Midas Underfloor COOLS;

Extended Range Fuel System (ERFS) 800 gal and 500 gal;

Forward Area Refueling Equipment (FARE);

Tie Down Materiel/Helicopter Under-Slung Load Equipment (HUSLE) for internal and external loads;
rescue hoists;

Fast Rope Insertion/Extraction System (FRIES);
Electro Optical Infrared Sensors (EO/IR);
crash resistant pilot and troop seats;
life rafts;
litter straps and fittings;

mission equipment (e.g., jungle penetrator; litter basket; Jacob’s ladder; Airborne Tactical Extraction Platform (AirTEP);

special tools and test equipment;
ground support equipment; airframe and engine spare parts; technical data; publications;

Maintenance Work Orders/Engineering Change Proposals (MWO/ECPs);
Repair and Return (R&R); technical assistance;
airworthiness assistance;
transportation of aircraft;
flight training and maintenance trainers;

and other related elements of logistics and program support.
The total estimated cost is $8.5 billion.

The principal contractor will be Boeing Helicopter Company, Philadelphia, PA.
There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.

Implementation of this proposed sale will require
the temporary deployment of an estimated thirty (30) contractor representatives
to Germany’s Main Operating Bases (MOBs)
for onsite aircraft technical, maintenance, and logistics support as part of a Performance Based Logistics (PBL) program;
training support; and operator
and maintenance support for the Transportable Flight Proficiency Simulators (TFPS).

This support will be provided for three to five years. The temporary deployment of contractor representatives will include five (5) Field Service Representatives (FSRs), four (4) from Boeing and one (1) from Rockwell Collins. This proposed sale will also require Foreign Liaison Officers be located at Redstone Arsenal and at the Boeing facility.

There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.

This notice of a potential sale is required by law.
The description and dollar value are for the highest estimated quantity and dollar value based on initial requirements.

Actual dollar value will be lower depending on final requirements, budget authority, and signed sales agreement(s), if and when concluded.
FokkerNews.nl per March/maart 2025...
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Re: ...the German Boeing CH-47F Chinooks, updates, etc...

Post by Stratofreighter »

https://www.flightglobal.com/helicopter ... 21.article
German lawmakers have approved a deal to purchase 60 Boeing CH-47F Chinook heavy-lift helicopters for the country’s armed forces.

The budget committee of Germany’s Bundestag voted on 5 July 2023
to support to acquisition of latest Block II version of the venerable tandem-rotor CH-47F.
The deal is valued at $8.5 billion.

Local industrial partners include Airbus Helicopters Deutschland,
CAE GmbH, Lufthansa Technik, Honeywell Aerospace and Rolls-Royce Deutschland.

The announcement from Berlin comes as Boeing launches what is expected to be the final production round of Block I CH-47s,
which includes 18 aircraft for South Korea and a single Chinook for Spain.
Boeing on 5 July 2023 said that $793 deal would see Block I production conclude in 2027.

Germany selected the CH-47F over Sikorsky’s CH-53K King Stallion heavy-lifter following a competitive bid.
The country currently operates 80 older CH-53G rotorcraft.

While funding approval from the German parliament is not the final step of the procurement process,
it does represent the clearing of a potentially significant hurdle in the Chinook acquisition.

Sikorsky has been hinting in recent months
that the lack of funding approval in Berlin indicated a potential opening for a CH-53K sale.

With funding approved, the German government will sign an official letter of acceptance with the Pentagon,
formalising the terms of the deal.
Boeing will then work with Washington to enter a formal contract for production, delivery and sustainment of the aircraft.

With Washington, Berlin and Boeing all committed to the sale,
the parties are highly likely to reach an agreement on such a contract.

The recent approvals represent a major win for Boeing,
which is actively seeking new orders for the Block II Chinook to power its CH-47 production line in Philadelphia.

Notably, Berlin will be joining the UK as the only international operators
to order the latest variant of the twin-rotor helicopter.

Even the US Army has not formally committed to full-rate procurement of Block II CH-47s,
though it has purchased a limited number of helicopters under low-rate production –
but only after being mandated to do so by Congress.

Thus far, funding has been approved for 10 Block II Chinooks,
with Boeing expected to deliver the first aircraft to the army in 2024.

US Army aviation leaders have said they hope before 2024
to better define the service’s future heavy-lift rotary aircraft requirements
– which may or may not include a larger fleet of CH-47F Block IIs.

With the future of American CH-47 orders uncertain,
Boeing has been counting on deals from foreign governments to keep Chinook production humming.

In addition to 60 Block IIs on order from Germany,
the company holds commitments for 47 Block I Chinooks,
which include the orders from Spain and South Korea, as well as Egypt.
FokkerNews.nl per March/maart 2025...
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