Held 9-8-2023 at Vlissingen. Some helicopter displays are to be expected.
Rescue Zeeland 9 August 2023
Moderator: Jaap
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- Stratofreighter
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Re: Rescue Zeeland 9 August 2023
...the Belgian NH90 SAR demo team will make a flying appearance... per March/maart 2025...
- Stratofreighter
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Re: Rescue Zeeland 9 August 2023
Welke gele heli komt is nog onbekend. ... e-zeeland/
Welke gele heli komt is nog onbekend. ... e-zeeland/
“We zijn blij vandaag te mogen melden dat de Belgische NH90 helikopter te zien zal zijn tijdens een demonstratie op Rescue Zeeland.
Temeer omdat er op dit moment op militair gebied veel gebeurt in de wereld,
en om die reden er aanzienlijk minder militair materiaal aanwezig zal zijn
deze editie dan voorgaande jaren.” per March/maart 2025...
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Re: Rescue Zeeland 9 August 2023 ... cue-stick/
Perhaps also of interest: ... ue-zeeland
I suppose an EC135 will show up.Een politiehelikopter zal tijdens Rescue Zeeland op woensdag 9 augustus 2023
een indrukwekkende demonstratie geven met een baanbrekend reddingsmiddel genaamd de ‘Rescue Stick’.
Dit innovatieve hulpmiddel kan zichzelf opblazen zodra het in aanraking komt met water.
De Rescue Stick kan door de politiehelikopter
in het water worden geworpen naar drenkelingen
wanneer andere hulpdiensten nog niet ter plaatse zijn.
Zodra de stick het water raakt,
lost een zouttablet op en wordt deze door middel van gasdruk omgevormd tot een drijvende boei.
Perhaps also of interest: ... ue-zeeland
De met kogels doorzeefde ambulance uit Oekraïne was eerder op andere plekken in Nederland te zien.
Vorige week werd duidelijk dat het evenement dit jaar wél door kan gaan. per March/maart 2025...
- Scramble Addict
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- Type of spotter: Civil and (mostly) Military
- Location: Near Woensdrecht Airbase, The Netherlands
Re: Rescue Zeeland 9 August 2023
German Navy NH90 was added to the participants list today.
(Yep, 'Sea King' is still mentioned in this link but I think we won't see that one again in Vlissingen)
(Yep, 'Sea King' is still mentioned in this link but I think we won't see that one again in Vlissingen)
Greetings, Werner Verbogt
- Stratofreighter
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- Posts: 22394
- Joined: 25 Jan 2006, 08:02
- Location: Netherlands
Re: Rescue Zeeland 9 August 2023
The time-schedule is now online:
Photographers take note:
the landing spot where the helicopters will operate from is CLOSED to the general public
during this 2023 edition
See ... UBsJYystCl
Yes, I have seen the aftermath of the rotor down wash events.
Open fences far away were indeed blown down during previous editions.
A Sea King is heavier than an H135....
Let alone an NH90...
And as for some "dagjesmensen / tourists / passers-by "
who do not want to vacate the operational area
when helicopters are actually taking-off and/or landing...
Photographers take note:
the landing spot where the helicopters will operate from is CLOSED to the general public

during this 2023 edition

See ... UBsJYystCl
Yes, I have seen the aftermath of the rotor down wash events.
Open fences far away were indeed blown down during previous editions.
A Sea King is heavier than an H135....
Let alone an NH90...
And as for some "dagjesmensen / tourists / passers-by "
who do not want to vacate the operational area
when helicopters are actually taking-off and/or landing... per March/maart 2025...
Re: Rescue Zeeland 9 August 2023
What is for photography of the helicopters the best option? On the boulevard you have the sun in your face during the entire event.