Exercise Pitch Black, Darwin, Australia, Day 2.

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Exercise Pitch Black, Darwin, Australia, Day 2.

Post by burnsy133 »

After the initial fact finding day 1, I was ready for day 2 and had researched as much as I could as to where to shoot from. I had been given some information regarding one place that departures could be shot from, so off I toddled, as it turned out , getting there at 7, just before light and the spot given was pretty full, never the less, with car parked and ready to roll...here is day 2.

First up was this RAAF F-18, departing off Runway 11, I was told that conditions are normally more spotter friendly, but due to a displaced threshold, things were a little in and out of the trees.

ImageExercise Pitch Black - Day2. by Rob Burns, on Flickr

Fair play to the RAAF and their F-18's, they certainly put some hours in with the 9 frames they sent, a mixture of F's and G's.

ImageExercise Pitch Black 2024 by Rob Burns, on Flickr

Next up was the Italians with a G550, one of the first up each day to perform its AEW duties.

ImageExercise Pitch Black 2024 by Rob Burns, on Flickr

With three missions a day it was pretty much constant military movements, next up were the Republic of Singapore F-15's.

ImageExercise Pitch Black 2024 by Rob Burns, on Flickr

Next was the turn of the French, who bizarrely only sent three aircraft over, long way to go for three.

ImageExercise Pitch Black 2004 by Rob Burns, on Flickr

Another star for me was this Republic of Singapore G550, up early each morning, performing its AEW duties.

ImageExercise Pitch Black 2024 by Rob Burns, on Flickr

Papua New Guinea Defence force PAC750 seen departing, two of the three PNGDF versions were present throughout the exercise, a third has since been delivered, if the media is to be believed, the Australians bought these three and gifted them to the PNGDF. Still not sure what their role was in the exercise.

ImageExercise Pitch Black 2004 by Rob Burns, on Flickr

Republic of Singapore also sent six F-16C/D's over for the Exercise, fair to say they got their moneys worth, operating up to three missions per day.

ImageExercise Pitch Black by Rob Burns, on Flickr

Republic of Korea Airforce F-15K Slam Eagle, departs on day two, one of six based at Darwin for the exercise.

ImageExercise Pitch Black 2024 by Rob Burns, on Flickr

Japanese Self Defence Force F-2A departs for day 2 of exercise Pitch Black, one of six in attendance.

ImagePitch Black Day 2, first Launch by Rob Burns, on Flickr

Republic of Singapore F-16, wearing 140 SQN, special marks.

ImagePitch Black Day2 by Rob Burns, on Flickr

The Singapore Airforce also brought some F-16D's to the exercise, here is 694, departing for the first sortie of day 2.

ImagePitch Black Day 2 by Rob Burns, on Flickr

Indonesian Airforce, brought a mixture of F-16 AM, BM, C's and D's, supported by four C-130's, Here you have specially marked F-16, celebrating 62 years of the Indonesian Airforce.

ImagePitch Black Day 2. by Rob Burns, on Flickr

Joining its specially marked sister ship was TS-1641, F-16D, seen launching into the cloudless sky.

ImagePitch Black Day 2 by Rob Burns, on Flickr

One of 6 Italian Navy F-35B's, off on the first mission of the day.

ImagePitch Black day 2 by Rob Burns, on Flickr

During the week I was there, you never really had long to wait for a support flight to depart, here A34-007 departs for Amberley, callings Wallaby 31.

ImageExercise Pitch Black, day 2. by Rob Burns, on Flickr

17-007, Philippine air force FA-50, one of 4 sent for the exercise.

ImagePhilippines Airforce FA-50. by Rob Burns, on Flickr

Will post some more when i can.

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Re: Exercise Pitch Black, Darwin, Australia, Day 2.

Post by seahawk12 »

Hi Rob, nice pictures and nice report. Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Exercise Pitch Black, Darwin, Australia, Day 2.

Post by Sjoerd »

Great shots and a nice spot! Out of curiousity, how many mm's did you use to shoot these?
-Good intell, allows for good decision making!-
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Re: Exercise Pitch Black, Darwin, Australia, Day 2.

Post by ZeroOtto »

Super!!! :respect:
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Re: Exercise Pitch Black, Darwin, Australia, Day 2.

Post by burnsy133 »

Sjoerd wrote: 04 Nov 2024, 20:03 Great shots and a nice spot! Out of curiousity, how many mm's did you use to shoot these?
I shoot with a 200-600 Sony Lens, most of these are at the top end, where it does soften a little, one of the problems faced was the displaced threshold, resulting in the aircraft being higher than normal.

Hoping the work is finished for 2026 :-)
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Re: Exercise Pitch Black, Darwin, Australia, Day 2.

Post by adrianof4c »

Nice pictures, thanks
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Re: Exercise Pitch Black, Darwin, Australia, Day 2.

Post by patrick dirksen »

burnsy133 wrote: 05 Nov 2024, 10:16
Sjoerd wrote: 04 Nov 2024, 20:03 Great shots and a nice spot! Out of curiousity, how many mm's did you use to shoot these?
I shoot with a 200-600 Sony Lens, most of these are at the top end, where it does soften a little, one of the problems faced was the displaced threshold, resulting in the aircraft being higher than normal.

Hoping the work is finished for 2026 :-)
Very nice shots indeed! What location were these photographs taken from? I am considering a trip to Down Under for this exercise as well....

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Re: Exercise Pitch Black, Darwin, Australia, Day 2.

Post by bvdboomen »

patrick dirksen wrote: 15 Nov 2024, 18:02What location were these photographs taken from? I am considering a trip to Down Under for this exercise as well....
My best guess is here Patrick: -12.411789232737082, 130.88764615204786
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Re: Exercise Pitch Black, Darwin, Australia, Day 2.

Post by patrick dirksen »

Looks indeed like a good possibility, thanks.

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Re: Exercise Pitch Black, Darwin, Australia, Day 2.

Post by burnsy133 »

Sorry for the delay Patrick, they were shot from

-12.411738, 130.887633

Many thanks

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Re: Exercise Pitch Black, Darwin, Australia, Day 2.

Post by gozoman »

Nice to see a report from down under with many birds from exotic countries!
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