Obviously, the air base was taken by surprise, different aircraft and amunitions falling apparently intact in the hands of rebel groups
https://www.facebook.com/FL360aero/post ... 320829036/
Alep, Syria, L-39s, Mi-8, drones captured by rebels
Forum rules
Re: Alep, Syria, L-39s, Mi-8, drones captured by rebels
Hama airbase Mig 21, Gazelle
Aleppo International Airport Mig 23, Mig 29, Mi 8
https://prod-streaming-video-msn-com.ak ... 6_6750.mp4
Damascus Mezze Daulphin
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CLeqnqzDg ... FpciBiYXNl
Aleppo International Airport Mig 23, Mig 29, Mi 8
https://prod-streaming-video-msn-com.ak ... 6_6750.mp4
Damascus Mezze Daulphin
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CLeqnqzDg ... FpciBiYXNl
Re: Alep, Syria, L-39s, Mi-8, drones captured by rebels
Hope to see videos from Tiyas, Dumayr, Khalkhalah, Saiqal and Shayrat
Re: Alep, Syria, L-39s, Mi-8, drones captured by rebels
Follow LuftwaffeAS at Twitter.
Interesting info about the Syrian AF (or whats left of it)
flown in: Things with wings
Re: Alep, Syria, L-39s, Mi-8, drones captured by rebels
Likely to be an entry in the Stoffer & Blik section now
That section is gonna be huge!
flown in: Things with wings