B52 Operations GUAM AFB 2007

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Henk Voortwijs
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B52 Operations GUAM AFB 2007

Post by Henk Voortwijs »

I received some interesting HF frequencies from a scanner listener in the UK.

3137 kHz = Scope/Ale
4724 kHz = HF-GCS/TASCOM primary
5708 kHz = Scope/Ale
6721 kHz = Scope/Ale
6739 kHz = HF-GCS
8992 kHz = HF-GCS
9025 kHz = Scope/Ale
11175 kHz = HF-GCS primary
11226 kHz = Scope/Ale
13200 kHz = HF-GCS/TASCOM
13215 kHz = Scope/Ale
15056 kHz = HF-GCS/TASCOM
18003 kHz = Scope/Ale
23337 kHz = Scope/Ale

DISA (Secure Internet Protocol Router Net)

2998 kHz = San Francisco
4666 kHz = San Francisco
5702 kHz = DISA
6532 kHz = San Francisco
8903 kHz = San Francisco
11181 kHz = DISA
11384 kHz = San Francisco
13300 kHz = San Francisco
15091 kHz = DISA
17904 kHz = San Francisco
21985 kHz = San Francisco
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Post by Razor61 »

These frequencies are just normal HF-GCS (formerly SCOPE) frequencies for everyday usage of any USAF, USN or NATO aircraft and vessels.

Not much to do with B-52 operations apart from the odd B-52 will call up while mainly flying within the USA.

Anderson AFB (not Guam AFB) has a remote station linked into the HF-GCS and controlled by Andrews AFB (Much like Croughton in the UK, Sigonella in Italy etc)

"Anderson" is the callsign. Diego Garcia is also linked into the system with the callsign "Diego Garcia" and is again linked remotely via Andrews AFB into the HF-GCS net.

Most active frequencies in the list are of course 11175 and 8992 with the most common backups being 13200 and 15016.

4724 is one of the lower HF-GCS frequencies but not a TASCOMM "Primary". The TASCOMM 4MHz primary is 4742.
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