AMCC & CP frequencies

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AMCC & CP frequencies

Post by Paveway »

Hi All,

Does anyone know the latest AMCC & CP frequencies of Ramstein and Spangdahlem (and if known, other USAFE bases)? The frequencies which were in use about 2 years ago are not operational anymore.

Thanks in advance!

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Ramstein and Spangdahlem freqs

Post by Radiomonitor »

08.06.25-1501z --- Freqs:


-metaphore-qrv 7.919 kHz (koo-flights)
-metaphore-qrv 14.682 kHz (koo-flights)
-131.975---AMCC (30 mins out)
-143.675---DELTA OPS
-250.75----PMSV MET
-257.75----PMSV MET
-336.575---BASE OP AMC Airlift
-358.5-----Wing CP
-370.950---EVAC OPS
-372.675---Wing CP
"frank" = Ramstein, rwy 27, approach
"mapig" = Ramstein, rwy 09, approach


-141.775---saber sof
-247.050---saber sof
-257.75----PMSV MET
-278.350---PAMPA range
-279.2-----GND cnlc del
-291.725---saber ops
-398.575---hawk ops
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Post by Paveway »

Thanks a lot!
I will try these frequencies, especially the CP, AMCC (30 min out calls) are very nice from my location (under route TB-6).

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Post by andel »

Be aware everybody that police German and American are very alert these Day's for using scanners around Ramstein.
They even searched cars if they think there is a scanner aboard.
A few weeks ago dutch Guy's where arrested and the owner got a fine for possessing a scanner and the people in the car a fine for listening to it.
Dont know exactly how high that fine was (not so fine) :lol: .
They had to come in court and they now have a criminal history !.
So be warned.
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Post by Paveway »

andel wrote:Be aware everybody that police German and American are very alert these Day's for using scanners around Ramstein.....
Yes, I know (from experience) that this is forbidden in Germany.
I currently listen from my home location (in Holland where it is allowed) right under route TB-6 where lot of enroute AMC traffic passes.

But it is always good to warn people about the risks, since most of them are not aware of it.
My advise: Leave your scanner at home while visiting Germany!

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Post by Martinez76 »

Paveway wrote:
andel wrote:Be aware everybody that police German and American are very alert these Day's for using scanners around Ramstein.....
Yes, I know (from experience) that this is forbidden in Germany.
I currently listen from my home location (in Holland where it is allowed) right under route TB-6 where lot of enroute AMC traffic passes.

But it is always good to warn people about the risks, since most of them are not aware of it.
My advise: Leave your scanner at home while visiting Germany!

As far as i know it's not prohibited to have a scanner in Germany.
You're only not allowed to have "goverment" freqencies programmed.
As long as you keep your scanner memory empty when you fear being checked by any law enforcement you should be fine.
They have to proof that you were scanning the military airband and that's impossible when you are able to erase the memory in a few secs...
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Post by Brian »

Martinez76 wrote:
As far as i know it's not prohibited to have a scanner in Germany.
You're only not allowed to have "goverment" freqencies programmed.
As long as you keep your scanner memory empty when you fear being checked by any law enforcement you should be fine.
They have to proof that you were scanning the military airband and that's impossible when you are able to erase the memory in a few secs...
A normal scanner like the ones that are sold in ie. Holland are illegal in Germany. Scanners sold in Germany must have the "CE" mark, "BZT" mark or the "BMPT" mark. ... #duitsland" onclick=";return false;

(it's in dutch.. sorry for that, but couldn't find a English version at this moment).
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Post by Paveway »

Martinez76 wrote: As far as i know it's not prohibited to have a scanner in Germany.
You're only not allowed to have "goverment" freqencies programmed.
As long as you keep your scanner memory empty when you fear being checked by any law enforcement you should be fine.
They have to proof that you were scanning the military airband and that's impossible when you are able to erase the memory in a few secs...
I think most of us were just very lucky that they didn't have any problems uptil now. But don't be naief!
From EXPERIENCE I know that it is completely FORBIDDEN to have the type of scanners that we use as spotters! See the statement of Brain on this topic.
Two of my friends "lost" their scanner while travelling to Germany. The scanners were packed in their bags and batteries removed. Even then the scanners were confiscated by the police because they have "the possibility" to receive frequencies which are not allowed to listen to in Germany (within the prohibited frequency band of the scanner). So, by just erasing the memory doesn't help!
Beside this, some of the German police doesn't really know what is allowed and what isn't and that never helps in your advance...
When they are not sure about it, you definitely wrong unless the contrary is proven and as you know you don't have real evidence...


Hopefully this makes a lot more clear and otherwise try yourself...I hope that you will be lucky and return to Holland WITH scanner and otherwise think once more at my advise...

Last edited by Paveway on 17 Jul 2008, 15:07, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Herman »

241.725 is now 355.800 (RS AMCC)

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