Been a long time since i posted anything so here goes....(Excuse some of the shots, the cold had the lens focusing arse -ways),
Not a bad day WX and movements wise tday. Started at the Bwlch top ledge then over to the exit in the afternoon. 9 hawks and an alpha before lunch!!!
Final tally was 14 Hawks(I think),1 Alpha, Gr9+T12 and a Gr4.
Of course it woudlnt be me without some bad luck..brought the Jobs 300/f2.8 with me and low and behold it wasnt focusing properlySo heres some images I worked hard to get reasonably sharpish......

Female pilot...

27/01/09- Rained off. N.B: 1 hawk came through as I climbed but then rain.
Just a few from me on a sureal day, the road below was closed due to a horrific accident i witnessed, i was in shock when the Tonka came thru.........
Hope you dont mind arty farty....

Get them dam crows...they had us jumping all afternoon >:(

Oh, and there were plenty of these at 1,000,000ft!

WX was bad tday! Low cloud, with no light and a polar, strong wind. So off to the Spur it was. We missed a Hawk on the way up so at least there was flying.
It turned out to be a Hawk day with a fair few passes(didnt count, Tom?) and at least 8 F-15E's above the murk most of the morning. They tried to find a hole from the RT on the scanner but alas, they RTB'd. Rampage (Tiffies!) working overhead as well. I believe a GR9 went down Cad, god dam it, the very thing I wanted round that damp spur corner. Ah well!
Just a few from my D3. Lucky I had it, these were shot at ISO 1000-2000 making it look brighter than it was

The cold and bad light had me retire at 15.30 hrs but by the time I reached the car, it had brightened slightly. Three more Hawks went through by the time I reached Dinas. I decided to head home to Ireland there and then, as the forecast was ==censored==. I was also knackered after a draining few days. As I drove through Dol, at least a pair, if not more of what I think were Eagles came up from Barmouth towards the Loop in almost complete darkness! Why couldn't they have done that earlier!