Cottesmore (EGXJ/OKH) - 2010 MIL

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Cottesmore (EGXJ/OKH) - 2010 MIL

Post by HarrierListUK »

Hi All,

First log of the year (18/01/'10) from my local................................

All movments between 12:00 to 15:15 all aircraft on the ground when I left

On the Lines :thumb:

---------------------- 1Sqn ---------------------------
ZD433/45A Harrier GR.9A 1 Sqn Marks
ZD435/47 Harrier GR.9 NSW Marks
ZG479/69A Harrier GR.9A 1 Sqn Marks
ZG506/77 Harrier GR.9A 20(R)Sqn Marks
ZH663/111 Harrier T.12 20(R)Sqn Marks
ZG512/82 Harrier GR.9A No Marks
ZG859/91 Harrier GR.9 No Marks

---------------------- 4Sqn ---------------------------

State Side!!

---------------------- NSW ---------------------------
ZD346/15 Harrier GR.9A NSW Marks
ZD406/36 Harrier GR.9 SP Navy 100 Marks
ZD411/40 Harrier GR.7A NSW Marks
ZG504/75A Harrier GR.9A NSW Marks

--------------------- SAM/JUMP Flt ------------------------
ZH657/105 Harrier T.12 No Marks


Lots of refresher training going on .i.e no drop tank flying so they where not going more than 45 minutes a sortie.

i ZD346/15 -- COTT 06 (PD at RAF Leeming)
o/i ZD435/47 -- COTT 05 (Local VFR work)
o/i ZG506/77 -- COTT 15 (Local VFR work)
o/i ZG479/69 -- COTT 14 (Local VFR work)
o/i ZG504/75A -- COTT 08 (Local VFR work)
o/i ZD406/35 -- COTT 34 (Local VFR work)
o/i ZD411/40 -- COTT 06 (Local VFR work)
o/i ZH663/111 -- COTT 05 (Local VFR work)
o/i ZD433/45A -- COTT 17 (Local VFR work)
o/i ZH657/105 -- COTT 08 (Last flight before delivery to 20(R)Sqn post JUMP and Spray job. Lady driver (1Sqn) did norm axals then did a Afgan take of which was most impresive to see a T.12 to do. Went east of the field to do a shake down flight and returned for a short landing on the strip)




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Re: Cottesmore (EGXJ/OKH) - 2010 MIL

Post by Piet Luijken »

LOG: 23 FEB 2010:

With a long stop in Birmingham, a short spotting trip to Cottesmore was an opportunity I could not miss.
Especially with the upcoming closure of Cottesmore and retirement of some Harriers, some logging and photographing was always appreciated.

Today, RAF Cottesmore was having some broken clouds, with quite frequent sunny spells.
However, a strong easterly wind was also present, so no nice taxiway opportunities today.

I settled around half ten near the crash gate at the beginning of runway 04.
Following the directions from the Scramble Airfield Guide for spot 6, it was found quite easily.
When driving into RAF Cottesmore main gate, after passing the cementary at your left, there is a small private road to the left, with a locked gate halfway.
I had parked the car nearby some houses and walked along this road towards the fence.

Photography of landing Harriers is only possibility but easy with 300mm needed ( digital 1.5x ).
Spotting of flightline is not possible.

After the morning mission I drove around to note all aircraft on flightline, first at spot 5 then at spot 1.
Fortunately, I was just at spot 1 when the 48 landed on runway 22 due to its gear problem.

I left at 1315LT.

Flying :
ZD330/11 Harrier GR9 NSW ...flying as COTT53 (1005-1115LT)
ZD406/-- Harrier GR9 NSW ...flying as COTT31 (1005-1115LT), 100 years Fly Navy tail markings
ZD436/48 Harrier GR9 nb ...flying as COTT35 (1230-1245LT, RTB due gear amber light), nice new paintjob!
ZG505/76 Harrier GR9A 1(F)sq ...flying as Buzzer08 (1010-1115LT), also afternoon mission with 48

Flightline :
ZD322/03A Harrier GR9A 1(F)sq
ZD347/14 Harrier GR9A IV(AC)sq
ZD379/27 Harrier GR9 nb
ZD411/40 Harrier GR7A NSW
ZG511/82 Harrier GR9A 1(F)sq

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Re: Cottesmore (EGXJ/OKH) - 2010 MIL

Post by Tigerspoon »

I've got a question about the closure of Cottesmore.
I've read that Cots will be closed in the near future and that all a/c will ferry to Wittering. Is it already known when Cots will be closed?! Another question which may only can be answered by the locals:
i'm looking forward to visit Cots the friday before the RIAT.........are there a lot of flying activities at friday's on royal air force bases?! in that case at Cots!?

thx for help
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Re: Cottesmore (EGXJ/OKH) - 2010 MIL

Post by Tigerspoon »

No One?!?!?!
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Re: Cottesmore (EGXJ/OKH) - 2010 MIL

Post by wizard 51 »

well i dont live local but ill try and answer.
By July only 1SQN and the Naval Strike Wing will be there as far as i know.

4SQN are moving/disbanding and re forming as 4 reserve at Wittering as of last Friday or the 31st March
(There was a nine ship last Friday and 4ship due to fly on the 31st)

With the harriers often on exercise only 1 sqn may be at home .

Last Friday saw 3 morning departures then the 9 at 13:30 .

By this time next Year all harriers should be at Wittering i think
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Re: Cottesmore (EGXJ/OKH) - 2010 MIL

Post by Tigerspoon »

So there is still a chance to see some of them flying on the 16th July!!
By the way:
is spotting at Wittering possible from the outside?!
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Re: Cottesmore (EGXJ/OKH) - 2010 MIL

Post by wizard 51 »

You can view the pan i believe just.
And sit on the aproach at the A1 end to do spotting.
But the general view and aproach for photos is poor.

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Re: Cottesmore (EGXJ/OKH) - 2010 MIL

Post by Wim »

What will happen with all the harriers now? Will they stay at Cottesmore or being moved to an other airfield? Cosford?
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