Gilze Rijen spring 2010

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Gilze Rijen spring 2010

Post by Wim »

As the TLP left Belgium, I searched for an alternative. As Gilze Rijen offers great photographic possibilities I went to have a look from time to time to the main helicopter base of the RNLAF. I merged all my pictures that I took from various visits to Gilze this spring in one gallery

January (in the snow):


I was even lucky to have a police helicopter in the snow on the slopes...

In February I had a visit of an E-3

In April:

In June the weather was really great:


At the end of June, we even got a visit of 2 QRA F-16's for 3 low approaches

And as always, a lot of PC-7's:

Offcourse I took a lot more pictures. The full gallery of 103 pictures can be seen on

Enjoy them

Greetings Wim
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Re: Gilze Rijen spring 2010

Post by Key »

Hi Wim,

Nice, varied set of crisp, balanced images. Well done! :good:

Climb to 20ft, we're leaving a dust trail
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