B-52s over Europe 11 June 2012

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B-52s over Europe 11 June 2012


from a pm, this morning not confirmed yet have two B52's landed here today
61-0008 USAF B-52H Stratofortress Raider 22
61-0012 USAF B-52H Stratofortress Raider23

was told they refuelled on the flambro track. or has the ones on flambro track gone to the mid east with these 2 showing at fairford?? anybody confirm anything. cheers guys.

Re: Fairford (EGVA/FFD) 2012 MIL


got more information quids seem to off cancelled before quids80-86 they should of called, and 2x B1 bombers were rumored to be over the uk calling BOMBER 1& 2 aswell as the 2 Buffs.
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Re: Fairford (EGVA/FFD) 2012 MIL

Post by joost »

TONKACRAZIE22 wrote:from a pm, this morning not confirmed yet have two B52's landed here today
61-0008 USAF B-52H Stratofortress Raider 22
61-0012 USAF B-52H Stratofortress Raider23

was told they refuelled on the flambro track. or has the ones on flambro track gone to the mid east with these 2 showing at fairford?? anybody confirm anything. cheers guys.
These two B-52 are flying a Mission for execersice Baltops 2012 in lithuania see here
Appearantly global power mission, so not landing in UK

However, I have seen reports they have been refueling with Quid's but nothing thereafter. Not sure if they diverted to Fairford. Field is/was Notamed open for today. Can imagine Fairford is availabe as alternate if something might happen during AAR

With regard to B-1's : on Boomer freq they did not refer to their atc callsigns but Quid's were Tanker 1 & 2 & B-52's were Bravo xx This MIGHT explain rumours about B1's , Credit Milscanners

Re: Fairford (EGVA/FFD) 2012 MIL


joost rumour B52 heading home to america so will soon be back ott the uk.? have you comms now joost on B52's?
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Re: Fairford (EGVA/FFD) 2012 MIL

Post by Oscar01 »

Quid83-85 were supposed to do AR around now....

Their plan showed KBAD - KBAD.




243.65 comms of ar Quid83 & 84 onlywith B52's x2 RAIDER22 & 23, and Quid85 on ground as spare B52s with tankers just lfown over my house south of newcastle on tyne ! nice sight too through clouds.
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Re: Fairford (EGVA/FFD) 2012 MIL

Post by Rockville »

joost wrote: These two B-52 are flying a Mission for execersice Baltops 2012 in lithuania see here
It's off-topic here, but there is a picture posted in a Dutch article on FB: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... permPage=1
Mods: feel free to move my posting to the appropriate board, if needed
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