Belgian Internation Airshow - Florennes 23/24 June

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Re: Florennes (EBFS) - 2012 MIL

Post by StratoPictures »

Anyone an list for tommorow?
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Re: Florennes (EBFS) - 2012 MIL

Post by Tigerspoon »

StratoPictures wrote:Anyone an list for tommorow?
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Re: Florennes (EBFS) - 2012 MIL

Post by Richard de Florennes »

Weather: scattered/broken clouds, clear air, mostly sunny, very windy

Visiting aircraft (all for “Airshow 2012”):
SF.260M 1 Wing ST23 demo c/s L08:57
SF.260M 1 Wing ST17 yllw c/s L08:58

SF.260M 1 Wing ST27 demo c/s L09:28 a/d
SF.260M 1 Wing ST04 demo c/s L09:28 a/d
SF.260M 1 Wing ST03 demo c/s L09:29 a/d
SF.260M 1 Wing ST15 demo c/s L09:29 a/d
(these four SF.260s formed the Belgian Air Force "Red Devils" display team)
SA.316B 40 Sqn M? L10:34
F-16AM Esk 727/730 E-194 spec tail L10:53*
F-16BM Esk 727/730 ET-198 L10:54*
Tornado IDS JaboG 33 43+25 L10:59+
OV-10B Private 99+32 L11:11
A.109BA 1 Wing Heli H24 spec c/s L11:17f3
A.109BA 1 Wing Heli H27 L11:17f3
A.109BA 1 Wing Heli H25 L11:17f3
CH-47D 298 Sqn D-664 L11:29
F-16AM 312 Sqn J-016 L12:17*+a/d
F-16AM 313 Sqn J-015 demo c/s L12:18*+a/d
Hunter T.8 DHHF N-321 L11:56+ a1
Let-410UVP ? Letka 2721 L11:09
MiG-29AS 1 Letka 3911 L11:57*
MiG-29AS 1 Letka 6728 L11:57*
FA-18C FlSt 17? J-5008 no badge L12:00* a1
FA-18C FlSt 17? J-5014 no badge L12:00* a1
F-16BM FLO 692 spec tail L12:04* a1
F-16AM FLO 668 spec tail L12:04* a1
Alpha Jet E EAC00.314 E146/705-RR L12:10+
PC-7 Lehrabtlg 3H-FC L12:40d
PC-7 Lehrabtlg 3H-FG spec c/s L12:40d
Falcon 20E 15 Wing CM01 L13:33*
Falcon 20E 15 Wing CM02 L13:34*
E-3A NAEW&CF 90453 L13:40
Alpha Jet E EPAA20.300 E94/0 demo c/s L12:20ü+
Alpha Jet E EPAA20.300 E152/1 demo c/s L12:30#4
Alpha Jet E EPAA20.300 E162/2 demo c/s L12:30#4
Alpha Jet E EPAA20.300 E130/3 demo c/s L12:30#4
Alpha Jet E EPAA20.300 E46/4 demo c/s L12:31#4
Alpha Jet E EPAA20.300 E41/5 demo c/s L12:31#5
Alpha Jet E EPAA20.300 E166/6 demo c/s L12:31#5
Alpha Jet E EPAA20.300 E165/7 demo c/s L12:32#5
Alpha Jet E EPAA20.300 E85/8 demo c/s L12:32#5
Alpha Jet E EPAA20.300 E163/9 demo c/s L12:32#5
(these ten Alpha Jets formed the French "Patrouille de France" display team)
C-160R ET00.064 R223/64-GW L13:29 a1
PC-7 Pilotenrekrute A-917 L13:20#10
PC-7 Pilotenrekrute A-919 L13:20#10
PC-7 Pilotenrekrute A-926 L13:20#10
PC-7 Pilotenrekrute A-932 L13:21#10
PC-7 Pilotenrekrute A-939 L13:21#10
PC-7 Pilotenrekrute A-927 L13:21#10
PC-7 Pilotenrekrute A-940 L13:21#10
PC-7 Pilotenrekrute A-913 L13:22#10
PC-7 Pilotenrekrute A-914 L13:22#10
PC-7 Pilotenrekrute A-941 L13:22#10
(these ten PC-7s formed the Swiss Air Force "PC-7 Team")
A.109BA 1 Wing Heli H39 L13:44
A.109BA 1 Wing Heli H44 L13:44
A.109BA 1 Wing Heli H22 L15:46
EMB.121AA EAT00.319 111/YQ L14:17
Beech 1900 LTDB T-729 L14:19
EC.120B HeliDax F-HBKC L14:41
TB.30 EPAA00.315 69/-WL demo c/s L14:48#4
TB.30 EPAA00.315 90/-XG demo c/s L14:48#4
TB.30 EPAA00.315 99/-XP demo c/s L14:49#4
TB.30 EPAA00.315 141/-ZF demo c/s L14:49#4
(these four Epsilons formed the French "Carouche Dore" display team)
Sea King Mk.48 40 Sqn RS02 L14:55
L-39C Private YS-KSH/1 demo c/s L17:12#5
L-39C Private YS-KSL/5 demo c/s L17:12#5
L-39C Private YS-KSM/4 demo c/s L17:12#5
L-39C Private YS-KSS/3 demo c/s L17:13#5
L-39C Private YS-KST/2 demo c/s L17:13#5
(these four Epsilons formed the Civilian "Baltic Bees" display team)
ERJ.145LR 21 Sqn CE03 L20:30

Additional movements (local flights/aerial displays):
F-16D 343 Mira 616 T09:34 L09:43 a/d
PC-9M ETZ 062 T10:08 L10:18 a/d
PC-9M ETZ 067 T10:08 L10:18 a/d
PC-9M ETZ 069 T10:08 L10:19 a/d
PC-9M ETZ 057 T10:08 L10:19 a/d
PC-9M ETZ 056 T10:08 L10:20 a/d
PC-9M ETZ 055 T10:08 L10:20 a/d
PC-9M ETZ 066 T12:42 L12:50 a/d
(these seven PC-9s formed the Croatian AF "Krila Oluje" display-team)

Alpha Jet 1B+ AJetS AT02 O12:57 a/d f/t EBBE
Alpha Jet 1B+ AJetS AT20 O12:57 a/d f/t EBBE
Alpha Jet 1B+ AJetS AT23 O12:57 a/d f/t EBBE Alpha Jet 1B+ AJetS AT25 O12:57 a/d f/t EBBE
Alpha Jet 1B+ AJetS AT26 O12:57 a/d f/t EBBE
Alpha Jet 1B+ AJetS AT30 O12:57 a/d f/t EBBE
Alpha Jet 1B+ AJetS AT15 O12:57 a/d f/t EBBE
PC-7 Lehrabtlg 3H-FC T13:58 L14:13 a/d
Hunter T.8 DHHF N-321 T15:07 L15:12 a/d
MiG-29AS 1 Letka 3911 T15:15 L15:25 a/d
Su-22M.4 8.elt 3819 T15:29 L15:37 a/d
Su-22M.4 8.elt 8919 T15:29 L15:37 a/d
F-16AM 313 Sqn J-015 demo c/s T15:48 L16:00 a/d
Alpha Jet E EPAA20.300 E152/1 demo c/s T16:15 L17:07 a/d
Alpha Jet E EPAA20.300 E162/2 demo c/s T16:15 L17:07 a/d
Alpha Jet E EPAA20.300 E130/3 demo c/s T16:15 L17:07 a/d
Alpha Jet E EPAA20.300 E46/4 demo c/s T16:15 L17:07 a/d
Alpha Jet E EPAA20.300 E41/5 demo c/s T16:15 L17:08 a/d
Alpha Jet E EPAA20.300 E166/6 demo c/s T16:15 L17:08 a/d
Alpha Jet E EPAA20.300 E165/7 demo c/s T16:15 L17:08 a/d
Alpha Jet E EPAA20.300 E85/8 demo c/s T16:15 L17:08 a/d
(these eight Alpha Jets formed the French "Patrouille de France" display team)
PC-7 Pilotenrekrute A-940 T17:18 L18:01 a/d
PC-7 Pilotenrekrute A-927 T17:18 L18:01 a/d
PC-7 Pilotenrekrute A-926 T17:18 L18:01 a/d
PC-7 Pilotenrekrute A-932 T17:18 L18:02 a/d
PC-7 Pilotenrekrute A-939 T17:18 L18:02 a/d
PC-7 Pilotenrekrute A-914 T17:18 L18:02 a/d
PC-7 Pilotenrekrute A-917 T17:18 L18:03 a/d
PC-7 Pilotenrekrute A-913 T17:18 L18:03 a/d
PC-7 Pilotenrekrute A-919 T17:18 L18:03 a/d
(these nine PC-7s formed the Swiss Air Force "PC-7 Team")
FA-18C FlSt 17? J-5008 T17:20 L17:34 a/d
TB.30 EPAA00.315 69/-WL demo c/s T18:06 L18:36 a/d
TB.30 EPAA00.315 99/-XP demo c/s T18:06 L18:36 a/d
TB.30 EPAA00.315 141/-ZP demo c/s T18:06 L18:36 a/d
(these four Epsilons formed the French "Cartouche Dore" display team)
EC. 120B HeliDax F-HBKC T18:40 L18:50 a/d
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Re: Belgian Internation Airshow - Florennes 23/24 June

Post by PH-BRAD »

What a disappointment it was today for me, we left around 13:00 because of the @#%&$$# weather. The planes that I've seen flying were: The victors, Hawker Hunter, PdF (who left with the C160), seaking and a departing E145. Does anyone know if there was a show after these flights? Or did we left at a good time? Fortunately I saw the whole static and fligtline.

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Re: Belgian Internation Airshow - Florennes 23/24 June

Post by TC »

frank kramer wrote:Hi Rob, the answer to the second part of your question: G-11

Anyone for the serial of the F-16 that is preserved near the memorial near the TLP-platform? It appeared to have the "Belgian EU-presidency"-tail, as faint remnants of small flags could be seen near the front of the fin and that of a large Belgian Defence roundel on the fin itself. Would that make it FA-100?

That was FA-05. Because FA-05 was written on a paper on a board near the F-16.

And FA-100 is now flying with the Royal Jordanian Air Force as 153 :wink:


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Re: Florennes (EBFS) - 2012 MIL

Post by Withnail »

Hi all,

could anyone help me with the civil registration of T-6 H-50 in BLu colours? Thanx!
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Re: Florennes (EBFS) - 2012 MIL

Post by Withnail »

And does anyone know what the military history is of MS-506L F-BDXM?
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Re: Florennes (EBFS) - 2012 MIL

Post by Withnail »

what's the history of Nord 1101 F-BLYU?
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Re: Florennes (EBFS) - 2012 MIL

Post by TC »

Withnail wrote:Hi all,

could anyone help me with the civil registration of T-6 H-50 in BLu colours? Thanx!


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Re: Belgian Internation Airshow - Florennes 23/24 June

Post by Kieran »

Did any UK or US aircraft turn up for static?
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Re: Belgian Internation Airshow - Florennes 23/24 June

Post by Mark B. »

PH-BRAD wrote:What a disappointment it was today for me, we left around 13:00 because of the @#%&$$# weather. The planes that I've seen flying were: The victors, Hawker Hunter, PdF (who left with the C160), seaking and a departing E145. Does anyone know if there was a show after these flights? Or did we left at a good time? Fortunately I saw the whole static and fligtline.
Twitter from the Dutch F-16 demo team: 80% of today's show was cancelled due to terrible weather.. No more Orange action today..
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Re: Belgian Internation Airshow - Florennes 23/24 June

Post by Tigerspoon »

Kieran wrote:Did any UK or US aircraft turn up for static?
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Re: Belgian Internation Airshow - Florennes 23/24 June

Post by herky »

PH-BRAD wrote:What a disappointment it was today for me, we left around 13:00 because of the @#%&$$# weather. The planes that I've seen flying were: The victors, Hawker Hunter, PdF (who left with the C160), seaking and a departing E145. Does anyone know if there was a show after these flights? Or did we left at a good time? Fortunately I saw the whole static and fligtline.
You didn't miss a thing. Only two Harvards taxied out but didn't take off and the FA-84 made two passes and landed. Further there was nothing till we left at four.
What a lost day! And the spot along the taxi track was so good.... :cry:
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Re: Belgian Internation Airshow - Florennes 23/24 June

Post by Kieran »

Tigerspoon wrote:
Kieran wrote:Did any UK or US aircraft turn up for static?
Hmm possibly good reasons for their non-appearances but still disappointing! Surprised with the Americans!
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Re: Belgian Internation Airshow - Florennes 23/24 June

Post by TF-104G »

Kieran wrote:Did any UK or US aircraft turn up for static?
yes, a P-51 and two T-28, all in US Markings :twisted:
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