Disbandment 348 MTA Hellenic Air Force 4/5 May 2017

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Re: Disbandment 348 MTA Hellenic Air Force 4/5 May 2017

Post by Paul »

F17_114PM wrote:Are you sure about 7519?

I am asking because it is definitely preserved on plinths at the 140th Operational Intelligence & Electronic Warfare Group at Larissa.

The fifth active RF-4E was 7496. I suppose this one is now in Andravida.
That's correct, 7496 is in Andravida AB.
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Re: Disbandment 348 MTA Hellenic Air Force 4/5 May 2017

Post by F17_114PM »

Thank you Paul for the confirmation :)
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Re: Disbandment 348 MTA Hellenic Air Force 4/5 May 2017

Post by F17_114PM »

My friends,

please find below a message from 348 MTA.

Dear friends,

in order to avoid any misunderstanding we would like to inform you of the following:
The list with 535 spotters is final and there will not be any further increase of the number of participants! The first 535 who sent the application are on the list and will of course participate in this event! Someone will only be excluded if the relevant authorities find anything alarming for the security of the unit and of the entire organization. This is not in our responsibility!
For the record, the number of 535 came after the huge participation from your side, by increasing the initial number of 300 to 500, and the good will from our side to satisfy as many of you as possible.
We just had to stop by 500 due to eventual organizational problems and timely begining of the security checks! We should not forget that this event takes place in a military area with certain restrictions!

Finally, please forgive us any omissions or errors since it is the first time for all of us, that such an event is organized in this way!

Thank you very much for your understanding!
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Re: Disbandment 348 MTA Hellenic Air Force 4/5 May 2017

Post by F17_114PM »

Dear friends,

a small message from 348 MTA:

Just inform the embassy about your visit and attach a copy of your passport / ID card.
Only the persons that will not be allowed to participate, because of security reasons, will be informed personally.
Whether or not the embassies will answer, is outside of our control.
The security check is in progress.

Just ensure that you book a accommodation, since there is increased demand during this days!

Many greetings
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Re: Disbandment 348 MTA Hellenic Air Force 4/5 May 2017

Post by F17_114PM »

Dear friends,

a short message from 348 MTA:

The spotterday is fully booked. Please do not longer register yourself, there aren't any free places left.
Thank you for your understanding.

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Re: Disbandment 348 MTA Hellenic Air Force 4/5 May 2017

Post by Sleegertje »

LOG Larissa 04-05-2017
RF-4E 7450
RF-4E 7499
RF-4E 71765
F-16C 507
F-16C 508
F-16C 524
F-16C 531
F-16C 532
F-16D 600
F-16D 619
T-6A 023
Mirage 2000BG 505 made a overshoot
Mirage 2000EG 239 flew in the flypast with the 3 RF-4E's and a F-16
F-16AM FA57
F-16AM FA97

Any updates or comments are welcome.
Regards, Rene Sleegers
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Re: Disbandment 348 MTA Hellenic Air Force 4/5 May 2017

Post by thunderstreak »

Due to my job obligations I have just attended the Spotters Day (4-5-2017). It was a great event to attend, though some gaps were apparent. Here is the special one RF-4E 7499. Enjoy

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Re: Disbandment 348 MTA Hellenic Air Force 4/5 May 2017

Post by Typhoon3030 »

Sleegertje wrote:LOG Larissa 04-05-2017
RF-4E 7450
RF-4E 7499
RF-4E 71765
F-16C 507
F-16C 508
F-16C 524
F-16C 531
F-16C 532
F-16D 600
F-16D 619
T-6A 023
Mirage 2000BG 505 made a overshoot
Mirage 2000EG 239 flew in the flypast with the 3 RF-4E's and a F-16
F-16AM FA57
F-16AM FA97

Any updates or comments are welcome.
Regards, Rene Sleegers
Also 502 was flying on the 04/05
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Re: Disbandment 348 MTA Hellenic Air Force 4/5 May 2017

Post by Nielis »

Does anybody have the numbers of the three Larissa based F-16's that took off around 15:00LT? and maybe also the number of the Nea Anchialos F-16 that made a low approach?
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Re: Disbandment 348 MTA Hellenic Air Force 4/5 May 2017

Post by Nielis »

Typhoon3030 wrote:
Sleegertje wrote:LOG Larissa 04-05-2017
RF-4E 7450
RF-4E 7499
RF-4E 71765
F-16C 507
F-16C 508
F-16C 524
F-16C 531
F-16C 532
F-16D 600
F-16D 619
T-6A 023
Mirage 2000BG 505 made a overshoot
Mirage 2000EG 239 flew in the flypast with the 3 RF-4E's and a F-16
F-16AM FA57
F-16AM FA97

Any updates or comments are welcome.
Regards, Rene Sleegers
Also 502 was flying on the 04/05

I have noted the following greek F-16's:

F-16C 531
F-16C 524
F-16D 600
F-16C 508
F-16D 619

I heard from another spotter that two of the three aircraft that took off around 15:00 where 619 and 502? Could 502 be the 507 you mention? and is 532 the missing third aircraft from the 15:00 wave?
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Re: Disbandment 348 MTA Hellenic Air Force 4/5 May 2017

Post by closedloop01 »

71765 dep.0900/arr.0936/dep.1236/arr.1310
7450 dep.0901/arr.0938/dep.1236/arr.1310
7499 dep.0957/arr.1054/dep.1236/arr.1310

F-16D 619 dep.0847/arr.1018/dep.1459
F-16C 531 dep.0902/arr.0941
F-16C 524 dep.0902/arr.0942
F-16C 508 dep.0928/arr.1014/dep.1236/arr.1345
F-16D 600 dep.0928/arr.1014/dep.1459
F-16C 532 dep.1012
F-16C 507 dep.1012
F-16C 502 dep.1459
F-16C 531 dep.1325/arr.1337 Zeus
F-16D 079 app.1355 from Nea Anghialos

FA-57 arr.1215 as BAF221A
FA-97 arr.1215 as BAF221B

023 arr./dep.1313/arr.1342

M.2000BG 505 app.1219
M.2000EG 239 in formation at 1244 with the RF-4 and F-16

only active aircrafts ...
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Re: Disbandment 348 MTA Hellenic Air Force 4/5 May 2017

Post by CBR »

closedloop01 wrote:only active aircrafts ...
Anybody a list of W&Rs?
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Re: Disbandment 348 MTA Hellenic Air Force 4/5 May 2017

Post by Nato Tiger »

At the 5th two visitors deliverd some VIPS for the ceremony.

4121 C-27J
ES614 UH-1H

Also one extra F-16 was present at the static line.

528 F-16C

Regards, Harrie Kraaijeveld
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Re: Disbandment 348 MTA Hellenic Air Force 4/5 May 2017

Post by Tweetie »

CBR wrote:
closedloop01 wrote:only active aircrafts ...
Anybody a list of W&Rs?
Dispersals south-east side near car park W&R's 4-5-17
89064 F-5A
01617 RF-5A
01399 F-5A
(89066) F-5A blue c/s
(11294) RF-84F front half only
01619 RF-5A
(69-7164) RF-5A
12601 F-104G
58639/TR-639 T-33A
(13376) F-5A blue c/s (near dispersal in high grass)

Gate guards 5-5-17
68-0506 F-4E (spec. mks.)
37588 RF-84F
38430 F-5A blue c/s

37683 RF-84F at static
Last edited by Tweetie on 14 May 2017, 13:54, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Disbandment 348 MTA Hellenic Air Force 4/5 May 2017

Post by Zammit »

Does anyone have the serial of the F-16 that took part in the flypast on Friday with the phantoms please?

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