Belgian Airforce Open Days 12-14 September 2014 KB
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Re: Belgian Airforce Open Days 12-14 September 2014 KB
Why the red card for Zeus?
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Re: Belgian Airforce Open Days 12-14 September 2014 KB
Are you sure about 433/2 ? This was red (not by me) as 432 at Payerne. /7 had also no number on it's nosewheeldoor at Payerne but the groundcrew confirmed it as 437.
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[ Post made via Mobile Device ]frank kramer wrote:Al Fursans were read from my pictures as follows (serials on nosewheeldoor):
440/1, 433/2, 438/3, 430/4, 434/5, 436/6 and no clue for /7
/7 had no serial on noswheeldoor as far as I can see in my pics...
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- frank kramer
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Re: Belgian Airforce Open Days 12-14 September 2014 KB
432/2 it is indeed. In my defence: it was the most difficult one to read (except the no.7 without serial on nwdoor, of course), because it was always in or behind the jetwash of the no. 1
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Frank Kramer
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Always going forward... still can't find reverse!
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Re: Belgian Airforce Open Days 12-14 September 2014 KB
If it looked like the one he did at Gilze, you'll understand why......mart wrote:Why the red card for Zeus?
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Re: Belgian Airforce Open Days 12-14 September 2014 KB
This is my log for the spottersday last friday. Despite it was a good show with interesting aircraft it was kind of disappointing that we paid more than those visiting on saturday and sunday and got less as not all the aircraft were flying or were visible. On the other hand, we were blessed with fantastic weather!
Not that the Czech Mi-171's, the Rafales and five Al Fursan MB 339s were seen from outside the base.
Additions and the inevitable corrections are welcome! Aircraft with an '?' require confirmation. The editor does not support underlining.
12-09-2014 Kleine Brogel (EBBL) ‘Belgian Air Force Days’
CM-01 Falcon 20E 15W/21smd
CH-01 C-130H 15W/20smd
FA-106 F-16AM 10W/31smd spec c/s
FA-110 F-16AM 10W/349smd spec c/s
F-16AM spec prototype mks
PL-71 Zwever Luchtcadetten
RN-01 NH 90NFH 1W/40smd
RN-07 NH 90TTH 1W/18smd
RS-04 Sea King Mk48 1W/40smd
ST-43 SF 260D 1W/5smd
G-11 MD 902 Federale Politie
M-3 Alouette 3 1W/40smd
YJ-10 S 105OE Dusentrainer Staffel
7353 Mi-24V 221.vrl
6065 L-159T1 213.vlt
E-007 F-16AM Esk727/730
ET-197 F-16BM Esk727/730
141/113-GT Rafale C EC 01.007
32 Rafale M 11F
40 Rafale M 11F
30+07 EF 2000 TaktLwG74
30+66 EF 2000 TaktLwG74
38 JAS 39C MH 59.Sz.D.R.
J-003 F-16AM 313sqn tiger c/s
J-197 F-16AM 311sqn mks
4576 P-3N 333skv
15112 F-16AM Esq201
15122 F-16AM Esq201
105 MiG-29A 1.elt
5304 MiG-29UBS Zmiesané krídlo
J-5233 F/A-18D Flieger Staffel 17
XX156 Hawk T1 208(R)sqn
FA-05 F-16A exhibition a/c platform
FA-82 F-16AM no mks
FA-118 F-16AM no mks
FA-119 F-16AM no mks
A 109BA exhibition a/c
AT-29 Alpha Jet E+ AJetS spec c/s
CE-04 ERJ 145 15W/21smd rondvluchten
CH-04 C-130H 15W/20smd air power demo
FA-84 F-16AM 2W demo team
FA-92 F-16AM 2W/no mks (350smd)
ST-40 SF 260D 1W/5smd
ST-41 SF 260D 1W/5smd
RN-06 NH 90TTH 1W/18smd
H-22 A 109BA 1W/17smd
H-24 A 109BA 1W/17smd demo c/s
H-36 A 109BA 1W/17smd
H-40 A 109BA 1W/17smd
RF-26 S 105OE Dusenflieger Staffel tiger c/s
7356 Mi-24V 221.vrl
9892 Mi-171Sh 222.vrl
9904 Mi-171Sh 222.vrl
R96/61-ZN C 160R ET 00.061
342/125-BA Mirage 2000N EC 02.004
364/125-BB? Mirage 2000N EC 02.004
366/125-BC Mirage 2000N EC 02.004
142/113-GU Rafale C EC 01.007
345/113-FL? Rafale B EC 01.091?
505 F-16C-52 340 Mira demo c/s
523 F-16C-52 340 Mira
603 An-26 MH 59.Sz.D.R. arr/dep
J-631 F-16AM demo c/s
N-194 Hunter KLu historical flt
MK732 Spitfire KLu historical flt
Q-26? AH-64D 301sqn demo c/s
67 MiG-29A 1.elt
6524 MiG-29AS Zmiesané krídlo
T-333 AS 532UL Flieger Staffel 6
91-0011 F-16C-40 4AJÜ/141Filo demo c/s
ZD265/675 Lynx HMA8SRU 702NAS
LN/84-0044 F-15D 48FW/493FS
LN/86-0182 F-15D 48FW/493FS
10W/no mks : F-16AM : FA-69 FA-89 FA-103 FA-106Tiger FA-107
FA-110349spec FA-123 FA-124
AJetS : Alpha Jet E+ : AT-02 AT-05 AT-10 AT-14 AT-18
AT-19 AT-20
Red Devils : SF 260D : ST-15 ST-23 ST-27 ST-31 ST-34
Patr.d.France : Alpha Jet E : /1/F-TERH /2/F-TELL /3/F-UHRW /4/F-TERF /5/F-UHRF
Frecce Tricolori : MB 339PAN : /0 2/ 3/ 4/ 6/
/7 /8 /9 /9 MM54514/10
PC 7 team : PC 7 : A-912/1 A-917/2 A-915/6 A-916/5 A-918/3
A-925/4 A-926/8 A-929/9 A-931/7
Al Fursan : MB 339NAT : 434/5 436/6 437/7 …/. …/.
This is my log for the spottersday last friday. Despite it was a good show with interesting aircraft it was kind of disappointing that we paid more than those visiting on saturday and sunday and got less as not all the aircraft were flying or were visible. On the other hand, we were blessed with fantastic weather!
Not that the Czech Mi-171's, the Rafales and five Al Fursan MB 339s were seen from outside the base.
Additions and the inevitable corrections are welcome! Aircraft with an '?' require confirmation. The editor does not support underlining.
12-09-2014 Kleine Brogel (EBBL) ‘Belgian Air Force Days’
CM-01 Falcon 20E 15W/21smd
CH-01 C-130H 15W/20smd
FA-106 F-16AM 10W/31smd spec c/s
FA-110 F-16AM 10W/349smd spec c/s
F-16AM spec prototype mks
PL-71 Zwever Luchtcadetten
RN-01 NH 90NFH 1W/40smd
RN-07 NH 90TTH 1W/18smd
RS-04 Sea King Mk48 1W/40smd
ST-43 SF 260D 1W/5smd
G-11 MD 902 Federale Politie
M-3 Alouette 3 1W/40smd
YJ-10 S 105OE Dusentrainer Staffel
7353 Mi-24V 221.vrl
6065 L-159T1 213.vlt
E-007 F-16AM Esk727/730
ET-197 F-16BM Esk727/730
141/113-GT Rafale C EC 01.007
32 Rafale M 11F
40 Rafale M 11F
30+07 EF 2000 TaktLwG74
30+66 EF 2000 TaktLwG74
38 JAS 39C MH 59.Sz.D.R.
J-003 F-16AM 313sqn tiger c/s
J-197 F-16AM 311sqn mks
4576 P-3N 333skv
15112 F-16AM Esq201
15122 F-16AM Esq201
105 MiG-29A 1.elt
5304 MiG-29UBS Zmiesané krídlo
J-5233 F/A-18D Flieger Staffel 17
XX156 Hawk T1 208(R)sqn
FA-05 F-16A exhibition a/c platform
FA-82 F-16AM no mks
FA-118 F-16AM no mks
FA-119 F-16AM no mks
A 109BA exhibition a/c
AT-29 Alpha Jet E+ AJetS spec c/s
CE-04 ERJ 145 15W/21smd rondvluchten
CH-04 C-130H 15W/20smd air power demo
FA-84 F-16AM 2W demo team
FA-92 F-16AM 2W/no mks (350smd)
ST-40 SF 260D 1W/5smd
ST-41 SF 260D 1W/5smd
RN-06 NH 90TTH 1W/18smd
H-22 A 109BA 1W/17smd
H-24 A 109BA 1W/17smd demo c/s
H-36 A 109BA 1W/17smd
H-40 A 109BA 1W/17smd
RF-26 S 105OE Dusenflieger Staffel tiger c/s
7356 Mi-24V 221.vrl
9892 Mi-171Sh 222.vrl
9904 Mi-171Sh 222.vrl
R96/61-ZN C 160R ET 00.061
342/125-BA Mirage 2000N EC 02.004
364/125-BB? Mirage 2000N EC 02.004
366/125-BC Mirage 2000N EC 02.004
142/113-GU Rafale C EC 01.007
345/113-FL? Rafale B EC 01.091?
505 F-16C-52 340 Mira demo c/s
523 F-16C-52 340 Mira
603 An-26 MH 59.Sz.D.R. arr/dep
J-631 F-16AM demo c/s
N-194 Hunter KLu historical flt
MK732 Spitfire KLu historical flt
Q-26? AH-64D 301sqn demo c/s
67 MiG-29A 1.elt
6524 MiG-29AS Zmiesané krídlo
T-333 AS 532UL Flieger Staffel 6
91-0011 F-16C-40 4AJÜ/141Filo demo c/s
ZD265/675 Lynx HMA8SRU 702NAS
LN/84-0044 F-15D 48FW/493FS
LN/86-0182 F-15D 48FW/493FS
10W/no mks : F-16AM : FA-69 FA-89 FA-103 FA-106Tiger FA-107
FA-110349spec FA-123 FA-124
AJetS : Alpha Jet E+ : AT-02 AT-05 AT-10 AT-14 AT-18
AT-19 AT-20
Red Devils : SF 260D : ST-15 ST-23 ST-27 ST-31 ST-34
Patr.d.France : Alpha Jet E : /1/F-TERH /2/F-TELL /3/F-UHRW /4/F-TERF /5/F-UHRF
Frecce Tricolori : MB 339PAN : /0 2/ 3/ 4/ 6/
/7 /8 /9 /9 MM54514/10
PC 7 team : PC 7 : A-912/1 A-917/2 A-915/6 A-916/5 A-918/3
A-925/4 A-926/8 A-929/9 A-931/7
Al Fursan : MB 339NAT : 434/5 436/6 437/7 …/. …/.
Last edited by Fishbed_9307 on 14 Sep 2014, 00:44, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Belgian Airforce Open Days 12-14 September 2014 KB
Noted today;
FA-69, FA-77, FA-86, FA-89
FA-103, FA-107, FA-123, FA-124
FA-82, FA-118, FA-119
FA-106, FA-110
H22, H24, H31, H36
RN-01, RN-06, RN-07
ST-40 +4
AT-29 +6
CH-01, CH-04
7353, 7356
9892, 9904
523 +1
XX276, XX310, XX319, XX322, XX325
XX242, XX245 +3
67, 105
32, 40
141/113-GT, 142/113-GU
342/125-BA, 366/125-BC
J-003, J-197, J-631
30+07, 30+66
15112, 15122
84-0044/LN, 86-0182/LN
A-912/1, A-917/2, A-918/3, A-925/4, A-915/6
A-916/5, A-929/9, A-926/8, A-931/7
RF-26, +1 Yl
E-007, ET-197
440/1, 432/2, 438/3, 430,4
434/5, 436/6, 437/7
Frecce Tricolori ; 1 t/m 9
Quick and dirty log from the 13th...
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FA-69, FA-77, FA-86, FA-89
FA-103, FA-107, FA-123, FA-124
FA-82, FA-118, FA-119
FA-106, FA-110
H22, H24, H31, H36
RN-01, RN-06, RN-07
ST-40 +4
AT-29 +6
CH-01, CH-04
7353, 7356
9892, 9904
523 +1
XX276, XX310, XX319, XX322, XX325
XX242, XX245 +3
67, 105
32, 40
141/113-GT, 142/113-GU
342/125-BA, 366/125-BC
J-003, J-197, J-631
30+07, 30+66
15112, 15122
84-0044/LN, 86-0182/LN
A-912/1, A-917/2, A-918/3, A-925/4, A-915/6
A-916/5, A-929/9, A-926/8, A-931/7
RF-26, +1 Yl
E-007, ET-197
440/1, 432/2, 438/3, 430,4
434/5, 436/6, 437/7
Frecce Tricolori ; 1 t/m 9
Quick and dirty log from the 13th...
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- frank kramer
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Re: Belgian Airforce Open Days 12-14 September 2014 KB
The "gift wrapped" F-16 in prototype colours is FA-104 (will fly operationally again without the plastic-sheet special colours), the Reds in order of landing: XX278 (not 276), 311, 310, 325, 322, 319, 323, 219, 242, 244, 245.
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Frank Kramer
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Always going forward... still can't find reverse!
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Re: Belgian Airforce Open Days 12-14 September 2014 KB
PdF Alphas departing on the 12th were:
F-TERH/1, F-TELL/2, F-UHFW/3, F-TERF/4, F-UHRF/5, F-TENE/6, F-UGFE/7, F-TERJ/8, F-TERB/9, F-TERQ/0 and F-UHRT/-
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F-TERH/1, F-TELL/2, F-UHFW/3, F-TERF/4, F-UHRF/5, F-TENE/6, F-UGFE/7, F-TERJ/8, F-TERB/9, F-TERQ/0 and F-UHRT/-
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Frank Kramer
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Always going forward... still can't find reverse!
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Re: Belgian Airforce Open Days 12-14 September 2014 KB
Thanks Frank! I have photoproof for nr.3 which is F-UHRW!frank kramer wrote:PdF Alphas departing on the 12th were:
F-TERH/1, F-TELL/2, F-UHFW/3, F-TERF/4, F-UHRF/5, F-TENE/6, F-UGFE/7, F-TERJ/8, F-TERB/9, F-TERQ/0 and F-UHRT/-
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Gtz, Paul
- frank kramer
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Re: Belgian Airforce Open Days 12-14 September 2014 KB
True. Copying error.. should've done that AFTER sleeping, not before...
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Frank Kramer
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Always going forward... still can't find reverse!
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Re: Belgian Airforce Open Days 12-14 September 2014 KB
schedule sunday 14 september; ... r_2014.pdf
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Re: Belgian Airforce Open Days 12-14 September 2014 KB
Alphajets on Saturday:
Anybody for the missing ones please?
Anybody for the missing ones please?
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Re: Belgian Airforce Open Days 12-14 September 2014 KB
The missing a-jets AT05 and the AT14
H16 ot-arp is the s/c A-109
FA-05 both on static near maint. Hangar
Im looking for the 4 red devils and the b- hunter on the static.
Gr. Patrick
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H16 ot-arp is the s/c A-109
FA-05 both on static near maint. Hangar
Im looking for the 4 red devils and the b- hunter on the static.
Gr. Patrick
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Re: Belgian Airforce Open Days 12-14 September 2014 KB
The B-Hunter on the static near the hangars is 274.
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Re: Belgian Airforce Open Days 12-14 September 2014 KB
B-Hunter was/is 274 en de 4 Red Devils zijn geen SF-260,s mmar 3 SV-4 en een L-18 (21 ,23 ,44 en L-33).